With each thought and memory that grew fainter, the more desperate their prayers became. Sadly it seemed that such prayers would not be answered. The lovers felt themselves growing smaller and smaller.

"Anthony." Vagatha sniffed.


"If this is really end then I need to tell you one thing. Something I never told you before but wish I had."

"What's that?"

"I love you. I've always loved you. Even during those thirteen years we were apart."

"Damn!" He slightly smiled. "Why did you have to wait til now to tell me that?"

"I'm sorry."

"Well while we're giving out confessions, I love you too. I loved you from the very moment you first slapped me for ogling you. Funny how it's moths who are drawn to flames when it was me who was attracted to your fire."

"I don't want to let go of you."

"Me either but we both know what it'll happen if you don't."

"I don't care! I'd rather be eaten than forget you."

"No! I don't want to succumb to that! Anything but that!"

That's when he reluctantly shoved her away from him and started to crawl away.

"Anthony!" She called frantically.

"I'll always love you!"

His last words before his transformation into an ordinary spider was complete. Poor Vagatha couldn't say anymore words. She could only let out an anguished and broken scream before she turned into an ordinary moth.

The servants, the friends, the lovers, the family, they no longer existed. There were only animals now. Regular animals who forgot all they ever knew for the last twenty-three years. The master they had served, the individual identities and personalities they had developed, the relationships they had formed, it was all gone. Erased from their minds as if it had never been there before. A most heart wrenching display indeed but a witness to this grief shed no tears.

In fact, she had been smiling the whole time. She walked into the empty and damaged room, very pleased with what had taken place here.
She quickly captured the moth that had once been Vagatha with one fist and with her remaining hand she picked up the spider that was formerly Anthony.

"You poor, simple fools." She chuckled unsympathetically. "You actually thought that you could break my curse. That mere animals stood a chance against my magnificent power. Well you failed. You've lost your humanity, Alastor will soon be dead, and now the final tragic, twist."

She prepared to place the spider into her hand which held the moth.

"A couple's love is destroyed by one being eaten alive by the other. I was so hoping that this would happen to Alastor and Charlotte but I'll settle for you two."

"Not so fast."

The insect and the arachnid were swiped from Katie at wind speed, both now placed in a secure area by Rosie.

"Hate to spoil your sadistic fun sister but I've never been particularly fond of tragedy." Roise said.

"You're too late." Katie taunted. "And even if you had arrived earlier there's nothing you can do. You can't stop Alastor from dying or change those worthless animals back."

"Perhaps not but I can stop you from causing anymore damage to the lives of others. I know that you're responsible for that mob coming here. You just can't play fair, can you?"

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