'They aren't getting rid of me!' I grinned and nodded happily. "I will! Thank you!"

"I just want you to stay safe. I will be worried sick." Paul frowned. "Once you come back, I expect many hugs!"

"Here is the first!" I hugged him, and I looked up to see he was crying a little surprising me. It shows he really loves me. He only hurt me because he was worried and tried to keep me safe. "Get batter at talking while we are gone." I ordered.

Paul laughed. "Shouldn't I stay as I am?" He asked me.

"Er." I let out making him squeeze my cheeks. "I'm plad you're my dad." I grinned gently.

He hugged me tightly nearly suffocating me. "How is my daughter so cute?!" He exclaimed.

Zenith helped me escape and Ghislaine picked me up to take me into the carriage. "Grow up bell! Norn! Aisha! Paw! Paul" I corrected myself making him laugh.

The others waved to me happily and then we set off in the carriage for who knows where, but it was really exhilarating to be getting out of the village we lived in for our entire lives.

I will miss everyone though, and I won't get to see my sisters grow.

I was sitting on my seat with Rudeus' head in my lap as I was checking how bad the hit was. Ghislaine was sitting on the other side of the carriage.

I then got poked by her foot making me flinch and she was moving her mouth, so I used my wind magic. "Sorry." I grinned.

"So?" She stared at me.

"I'm Ceres Greyrat. This is my bro, Rudeus Greyrat!" I explained.

"You're loud." Ghislaine mumbled.

"Sorry, I can't oear myself bell." I explained as I was trying to use the wind magic to help me, but since my focus was on my wind magic my words just sounded like jibberish.

"So you really are deaf and use wind magic to help yourself hear?" She asked me. I nodded slowly nervous about her reaction since I don't know how people outside of the village and home would react.

"That's quite amazing kid. You definitely took after Zenith." Ghislaine grinned and I smiled.

Rudeus soon woke up then his mind was screaming. 'BOOBS! HUGE!'

'Are they your favourite body part?' I asked in my mind.

"No, I'm proud of my swo-" He paused and then looked at me. "Why are you here?!"

"Truck." I answered.

Rudeus laughed nervously when he looked at Ghislaine. "Hello. My name is Rudeus Greyrat." He informed her.

"You're awfully polite for Paul's son. I was expecting a cocky daughter as well." Ghislaine admitted. "I'm Ghislaine. Starting tomorrow, we will all work together."

"It will be my pleasure." Rudeus looked confused.

"Read this!" Ghislaine threw us a letter that bounced between our heads making us whine. "I can't read it."

My second go at life // Orsted x oc (Mushoku Tensei)Where stories live. Discover now