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I sat nervously waiting for the plane to take off to Dallas, deep in my own thoughts. I haven't been to Texas since I was child on one of our Dads cross country road trips that were never as much fun as he assumed they would be. After our mom died he seemed to spend our summer vacations trying to make up for his busy work schedule by taking the time to drive everywhere in attempt to keep us close while we saw the country. Usually it meant Stacy and I fought for hours in the car and he lost his patience with us. The back seat was hot and uncomfortable. I use to dream of getting to fly to vacation spots like other kids.

Traveling by plane on this day is more comfortable and faster but very different from how I imagine Taehyung is traveling right at this moment. I sit wearing beautiful clothing I didn't choose for myself or pay for, crowded in coach, among strangers, all Korean members of their staff. No one has spoken English since we boarded and I know several of them have looked me over wondering what I'm doing here with them, serving no obvious purpose. I don't have a role here and I'm acutely aware that I'm an outsider and I may not even be the first person set among them during the middle of their work.

Taehyung seemed very sad to say goodbye to me, but he sat up in bed and told me all about the flight arrangements. He'd obviously already discussed, at length with Siwoo, how my traveling with them would be. I was naive to assume that once Taehyung heard the plans, he would demand to have me with him, so we could be together. But it was decided I would travel with the crew, and come to the hotel on the bus rented for them. They will be staying at different hotels but after they are dropped off, the bus will bring me, and the other members of the security team that don't travel directly with the group, to the hotel where the band is staying. I was told that I will be taken to his room, where he will already be waiting, and no one will see me enter or go to his room. That last part was emphasized. It was decided by others and agreed to by him and I know it's best for him, but if I'm being honest with myself, it feels a little dirty to be hidden away like some mistress, waiting for the crumb of attention when the married man escapes his duties with his faithful wife.

Siwoo gave me a ride to the airport and a ticket for the flight. He reminded me to buy luggage so I could get more items I might need and I didn't see a familiar face after that. Now, after arrival, I'm still surrounded by unfamiliar faces on the bus to the hotel. Somehow, the security team left on this bus, all seem to know why I'm there, and avoid looking directly at me. That makes it even more uncomfortable. As the bus comes to a stop, I stand, awkwardly lifting the new luggage, still half empty but it represents all I have. A security team member I've never seen waits behind the others and reaches back to take the bag from me.

"I'll get it," he smiles warmly and I realize he's spoken English to me.

"Thank you but it isn't heavy," I explain, trying to maintain my independence. He lets me walk past him with the bag and he steps off the bus behind me, looking around. He steps quicker to reach the back door to the hotel before I do and he opens it. I notice him looking around us, the way Siwoo did. I step through the doorway and turn to him as he closes the door.

"I'll take you up to the room," he says walking past me toward the elevator.

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," I call after him. He stops at the elevator holding the door for me.

"It's not important. I'm only here to keep everyone safe," he waits for me to step on and he puts a key into the panel to unlock the access to the bands floor.

"But you have a key to Taehyung's room. I would feel safer if I knew your name." I smile at him, and the uncomfortable silence makes me feel a blush rising.

"I'm Kang Sunwoo," he says.

"Are you brothers?" I laugh realizing his name is so similar to Siwoo's. He smiles up at me and nods.

Gucci Girl; A New Chapter (KTH 18+ )Where stories live. Discover now