Cadence (18+)

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The tears well up in my eyes at the feel of him so close. His words make me feel like the world is ours, alone.  It's  just the two of us, feeling this connection, and it's like nothing I've ever felt. The pressure of his body against mine, his soft hair tickling my skin and sparkling eyes staring deep into mine, makes me want him so badly. I almost can't stop myself from sliding my hands over him, pulling his shirt out of his pants, feeling his smooth skin underneath. His kisses leave me dizzy and I whimper as he pulls his lips away to slide over my neck. His hand slides down the front of my shirt, opening it, and leaving my lace bra exposed as he runs his warm tongue over the curve of my breast. I grab hold of his head, fingers sliding into his hair, and I remember how much I missed the feel of him being this close to me.

"I missed you so much," I gasp at his touch, my head spinning with desire for him, forcing me to reveal all of my secrets. A full year of pretending I wasn't ruined for all other men. A full year of not feeling a man's fingers sliding across my stomach the way his are now. I gasp, trying to catch my breath before I am overwhelmed. "Taehyung," I whisper, exhaling deeply as my body tingles with sensation. He kisses a line down the front of me, unmoved by my plea. His tongue finds my navel and traces a circle around it. I almost forget what I wanted to say to him, the sensation fills my head and takes over the empty part of my soul, filling it with warmth.

He tugs at my pants, sliding them down over my hips and I instinctively lift myself to allow him to remove them. I lie under him, in the bra and panties, remembering lying across the back seat of the limo, my first experience with him, and the moment everything in my life began to change. "Tae," I try again. He kisses a path lower on my body, stopping just at the top of my panties. He lifts his head slightly.

"Halley, I've waited a whole year for you, please don't stop this," he mutters, lowering down to continue his kisses. He pulls my panties down off my hip and leaves a kiss behind in the hollow as his strong hands hold me in place. He slides his tongue over the curve, making my back arch. A soft moan escapes and I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. His fingertips peel the lace underwear down my legs and toss the fabric behind him toward the doorway. I lean up on my elbows to see him looking down at my bare skin. "I want you to be mine," he whispers as he slowly begins to lower his head between my legs. I struggle to keep from shaking, the ache is so powerful. I want so badly to kiss him. I want so desperately to feel him inside me, and I need to touch him. None of these things I can control, and none of these things I can deny any longer.

"I am yours. Since the first night, it's been you, only you." I can't stop my declaration. I can't stop myself from admitting the truth.

He dives toward me with a newfound fervor. His hands hold my hips still as his mouth presses hard against the apex of my thighs, kissing me in a wild frenzy of need I've never felt. His lips press against my wet folds, and I gasp at the feel of his tongue sliding over me, almost covering my sex as he relishes in the taste of my desire. His tongue dives deep inside me, and I grip the duvet on either side of my body, as if clinging to it to stop my body from being lifted into the air with the rush of sensation. I cry out, dazed. The feel of his tongue sliding over me, dragging over me in long slow laps, makes my legs shake. He senses the building tension and he slides his hands over my thighs, pressing down on them to stop my shaking. I gasp again, as I feel the pressure building inside. I don't want him to stop but I don't want this to end. I want all of him.

"I need you, I want to touch you," I struggle to get the words out and stop myself from losing control. He ignores my plea and I feel his lips curl to a smile as he continues to slide his tongue up and down over me; teasing the sensitive nub hidden in my folds and swirling his tongue around it, forcing me ever closer to the edge. I try hard to hold back, to stop the intensity before it overpowers me. "Please, I'm so close, but I want all of you," I beg. He refuses to stop, or slow, and only moves faster over me.

I pant hard as every muscle in my body clenches, feeling a surge of the wave. I feel as though my body is rising high into the air, dangling, waiting for the drop. He releases my legs for just a moment, as he slips his hands under my thighs. My body shakes at the release of the pressure but in a quick move, he lifts my legs, forcing them back, until my knees are pressed against the bed. I look down at him surprised at the sensation and in this position, my legs open and bent backwards, I can see exactly what he's doing to me. He smirks for a brief moment, his tongue reaching out to touch me, slowly dragging across my skin before his lips seal around the most sensitive button. He begins to suckle me, never breaking the stare; so intense. His eyes burn a hole into me with a dark fire that conquers my will and I cry out as the wave begins to break. I squeeze my eyes shut tightly, seeing only a flash of bright light and color as the wave crashes down, forcing my body deeper into a sea of raging torrent.

"Taehyung!" I call his name loudly, over and over, unable to stop the flood as my body sinks deeper into the duvet, forced down with the rigid strength of my climax. I gasp, trying to catch my breath, feeling starved for air.

I can't see anything in the darkness for several moments as I feel my legs lower back down in a stiff release. My skin burns against the coolness of the bedcovers. His body moves away and a chill dances over me, finding a pool of sweat in the hollow at the base of my neck and making me shiver. I slowly regain my breath, slowing my heart rate, feeling drained of every bit of pent up energy inside me. I open my eyes, unable to make out where he is in the darkness, my eyes still stinging from being shut so tightly. I sigh deeply. Then a shadow moves across me and I feel him press down on top of my body, a heavy weight, warm and enveloping, now shed of his clothing, and naked against me. His breath fans across my face and I stare up at him, trying to see his eyes now in the darkness. He hovers above me, his lips so close to mine, his breath tickling me. I feel his hands slide into my hair, brush against my head before his lips lower down to find mine in a gentle, soft kiss, but still heavy with the musk of my desire. My arms wrap around his back as I lift my legs up to wrap around his middle, feeling him so firm and thick between my legs. He pulls back from the kiss.

"I wanted to hear you say my name so badly. I wanted to hear you cry out, unable to stop yourself. I almost burst right then." He peppers kisses on my cheek between his words. "I wanted to feel how much you want me, just me." I pull his face down closer to my lips as I kiss him forcefully. I am aching to feel him between my legs and I reposition myself, trying to feel the pressure of him.

"You are going to hear it again, I promise. Hopefully very soon." I giggle.

(A/N: 30 Dec 2021. Happy Birthday KTH! I hope you are happy and are somewhere you love, doing things you love, with people you love)

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