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I've been sat at the table sipping coffee and wondering how to make this phone call for the last 30 minutes. My sister will definitely understand me spending the night with Taehyung. She expected me to, but I am not sure how to tell her that I'm going to disappear with him for an undetermined amount of time. I'm also not sure if Millie will really want to know that I've actually gone on tour with her favorite group. It's great to see the sound check and to watch the concert, and even more amazing to get to meet them in person, but the idea that I will be with them, day in and day out, is quite another thing to wrap your head around when you're 13. The last thing I would ever want is for her to be jealous of me. I know from experience that when people are jealous of you they make you feel uncomfortable, or they hide things from you, they treat you badly. I have had such a close connection with her that has only grown deeper in the last year and I don't want anything to come between us.

I sigh as I swipe through images on the screen on my phone. I didn't take any pictures at the concert. I just enjoyed the time, and now I'm a little sad I can't easily relive it through the pictures. I see a selfie I took with Millie and Stacy while we were waiting for the car to pick us up for the concert. We are all smiling, but I can tell that behind my perfect pose, I was nervous about seeing him again. I didn't know exactly what to expect, and I hoped he would want to be with me again, secretly hoping for even one more night, but I never dreamed he wanted this much more from me.

I check Insta and see a lot of people liked the picture I posted earlier in the day before the concert, without mentioning anything about the show. The comments I saw last night asking if I was going to the concert are buried under the usual sorts of replies I get to pictures. I always name the designers for anything I'm wearing and of course that Gucci belt he sent was featured prominently in the photo. I smile as I look down to see the same belt on my waist now. I scan back up to recent comments, and one comment catches my eye. I read it, curiously.

'You wore something different to the concert, but that same belt'

My eyes open wide as I realize this person must have recognized me at the show. I frown wondering if I should respond or ignore the comment. It's safer to not engage, even if it's someone nice who happened to see me at the concert. I click on their name, 'WinterTae', to view their profile. It's clearly someone using their Insta just to post BTS content, which I see often on my followers. BTS fans have been, for the most part, nice and welcoming to me, once they realized I was not using a connection with Taehyung as a way to grow my own profile. I hoped that was clear to them all, I really just enjoyed being around him. I choose to ignore the comment and assume it will be buried under more comments soon enough.

I can't post anything today, particularly now that I have proof someone recognized me at the concert. I wouldn't want to give anyone to opportunity to point out that I am wearing the same clothes from last night still and the majority of my followers are looking at my clothing choices. I realize all of this is just a distraction from what I have to do, which is call my sister. I take a deep breath and press the icon to call her. I look at the time, it's a bit late in the morning and I probably should have called her earlier. She answers quickly.

"Halley, you ok?" she asks in a hurry.

"I'm good Stace, how are you and Moo?" I smile feeling like I might have avoided the lecture.

"You should have called me earlier I was worried about you." Maybe not. I chuckle.

"I'm sorry, I was up late," I say, knowing this is enough explanation.

"Where are you now?"

"I'm in the hotel room. Taehyung is with the others. They're doing an interview for tv."

Gucci Girl; A New Chapter (KTH 18+ )Where stories live. Discover now