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Mon, Feb. 15 | 5:23 pm

This looks really old.

Are you sure it's for me?

5:47 pm


Yeah, apparently.

Before I liked writing, I
entered the diary phase,
the letter phase, and the
poetry phase.

And past me did that is
supposedly for you.

I forgot the contents, but I
promised myself to give it
to someone who would make
me smile and make my life
worthwhile lol

I know it's cringey, but give
my past self a chance to
fulfill something.

6:12 pm

I just want to drive to your
house and hug you.


It's something me and past
you would understand haha

Ah so you're now going
to forget me?


Of course not, you're the
reason why I met your past
self. I wouldn't dare.

But I'll keep your past self's
feelings on me for now.

Should've opened it,
wrong choice.

At least you fulfilled it.

You made your past self happy.

Present tense, Yeuno.


You're making my past
self happy.

Because somewhere in here,
is still my young, unnurtured
self waiting for its time to
break the walls locking her in.

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