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sIghing Muse
Where my words drown what I cannot say.

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sIghing Muse
30m . Public

It's always the scars that was never physically there.

It's always the pain you sought too hard to forget yet it always find a way to target the weakest part of your heart;

The darkest tunnel you can never grow apart.

- an excerpt from 'Anxiety Society'

👍❤️😯 21 5 Comments 4 shares

sIghing Muse
2d . Public

"Run, Calliope. Don't let anyone hinder you from learning the best asset you could have in life-


~Dani of At The End Of The Tunnel

❤️ 3 1 Comment

sIghing Muse

Dec 31 | 11:11 pm

I just thought I'd come by and say that I like your characters.

They feel a little close to someone I know.


sIghing Muse:

lol jk

Yeah. I won't lie.

sIghing Muse:
It's actually surprising you liked a character, some people hated some.

Especially Unie 🤷‍♀️

Who did you like?


sIghing Muse:

Really now...

A friend actually recommended your story, and I tried reading Anxiety Society honestly with poor expectations and because I felt obliged to finish it for my friend.

Yet it made me hooked on the first page. I forgot I was doing it for my friend because I myself wanted to see how it unraveled in the end.

Unie somehow felt real and she explained feelings I couldn't understand.

It made me knowledgeable about something I actually had in my life.

11:52 pm

sIghing Muse:
How does it feel like?

To be understood in a way you haven't even understood yourself?

11:57 pm

I don't know, refreshing?

Seeing (or reading) that there are other people who could feel something you do, or more. I've lived life not expecting to be understood because of my differences.

But I did. With your story.

sIghing Muse:
Well then, cheers to finally being understood.

Having differences shouldn't keep you unable to live life the way you wanted. Sure, there might be people living life far better than you. But our differences makes us separable to other people like what we're supposed to be.

Cheers to another year, Yeuno.

12:00 am

Cheers to another year, I.M.

To stand and be understood.

sIghing Muse:
To stand and be understood. 🥂

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