Chapter 1 Stranger

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I always had the same dream every night.

About the boy with the colorful eyes.

He would just watch me. Entranced as if I were some special diamond found in the weirdest place thought possible. Then, he would kiss my forehead. I always tried to stop him from leaving.

And I was always too late.

"Someday soon," he whispered every time.

"You have gorgeous eyes," I always mumbled.

But he always left before I had the chance to get it out of my mouth.
And just like that, I was snapped back to reality every time. It was the same thing every night, same exact way.

I woke up in a cold sweat. The dreams always left me in a breathless state. And I always woke up gasping for air or anything that could possibly help me breathe again. My bed sheets were rumpled and halfway off the bed.

Rolling off the bed, i trudged to my bathroom. It's just one more day, I told myself. Of course, I always told myself that. One more day of the accusing glares. Another day of the snickering and the pointing.

I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror. Taking my brush, I combed out my golden locks. Emerald eyes stared back at me. Eyes that were filled with disappointment and despair. Yet they somehow still picked out the good things in life.

Wait. Who was I kidding?
There was no good in my life.

I laughed and told my reflection, "It's going to be a long day."

But it always was.

I guess I would call myself a book nerd. Don't get me wrong I hated high school just as much as any other teenager. But books were my escape from reality. If a had a problem, and trust me there's a lot, I would just read a book. When I couldn't make any friends? Another book. When there was problems at home? Books, books, and more books.

My escape route is straight to my own world where no one can find me. Only my imagination can get through basically. I get everything I want in my world. Yes, even naked guys on unicorns. Except there's no happy endings.

My subconscious carries that through the real world into my imaginary one. I can't just believe everything will end up fine and perfect when the story ends. There is always a problem right around the corner. Call me a hypocrite but I don't believe in happy endings. They're just not real.

Not even in books.

It was another hideous Monday at this even more hideous school. It hasn't been remodeled since 1984 (and its 2014 by the way). The walls were once orange but have now faded to this sickly yellow color. The lockers were the worst color of green you could ever imagine. Personally, it looks like the Big Green Giant came and threw up all over the lockers.

The floors looked like the bottom of a torture chamber, all scratched and battered over the years. And to make matters worse, we had frequent power outages. And like I said the school was way too small. It's just a little slice of Heaven isn't it?

I was on my way to first period when I felt a stare slicing at my back. When I turned, there was nothing.

"Great," I muttered, "it's not even first period yet and you're already going crazy."

A freshman was standing nearby and apparently he heard me talking to myself. I gave him my best murderous eye that I could and grumbled, "What?" That was enough. He took off down the hallway, not turning back. I smirked.

Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

I walked into class and stopped dead in my tracks. A piercing shriek split through my mind. No, not again, not right now, I thought. Everything started spinning as I closed my eyes. I stumbled to my seat falling in it right when I got there. Pulling my Advil out of my bag with one hand, I massaged my face with the other.

I flung the cap off the bottle and grabbed three and swallowed them. Instantly I started to feel better. Someone beside me whispered, "Pill pusher." I just balanced my head on my hands and closed my eyes, not looking at who said it. "Jerk-off," I yelled back. This received some snickers but I was used to that by now.

Finally, my headache started to recede. Sometimes I just had these piercing shrieks course through my mind. They come at the most random times. I have no clue why or how it just simply did. That is why everyone called me a freak. I would blackout. Once I even fainted. I've learned to deal with it almost. It was almost like they were warning screams. Maybe muffled by a mask or something - .

The hairs on my arms and neck started to rise. "What the -?" Suddenly I was hit by this wave of wariness. I felt like something bad was about to happen. But times that by ten. Not only that but it also felt like someone was out of their element. Someone was somewhere they didn't belong. Slowly I brought my eyes up in the direction I felt the vibe. My conclusions were mostly right, but I knew one thing for sure.

That someone just happened to be staring at someone they shouldn't be.

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