Chapter 7 - Regrets

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"It's just... I... He..." His voice trails off, tears welling in his eyes.

He pulls my hands from his face, desperately wiping at his eyes as the tears start to spill.

"I shouldn't... I'm sorry..." His voice cracks.

I pull him into a hug, and he struggles for a minute before going limp. He starts crying, weeping, burying his face in my shirt.

I want to take him back to the apartment, get him cleaned up, hug him until he falls asleep. I want him to stop shaking and smile, I want him to feel safe, to be safe.

He starts to push me away, no longer sobbing.

"This... I shouldn't. No..."

"You didn't answer my question." I say, my grip loosening.

He just looks at the ground, eyes flooded with emotions.

"I'm sorry, but I need you to answer me." I insist.

He squeezes his eyes shut, as if to block out the world.

"I'm sorry, I just can't..."

I'm about to make him look at me, make him know he shouldn't be saying sorry, make him tell me what heartless monster dared do this to him, when his boss appears.

"Your break's over, Adam. Get back to work."

Adam quickly stands, heading down the nearest aisle.

"G-Gotta go!" He calls back in a shaky voice.

I want to stop him, to yell at him, to plead with him, to do anything if it meant he'd tell me who did it. But I know it wouldn't do any good.

So instead, I head back next door to figure out what to do. And to do my job, I guess.

- Two Hours Later -

Adam POV

I take a seat, waiting for Martin to arrive. I still feel sick to my stomach as I think about my conversation with James.

Am I going to have to avoid him now?

I don't want to avoid him.

He was scary.

I know he would never hurt me. He just cares too much about someone insignificant.

"Hey." Martin says, looking down at me. "Are you okay? You look pale."

I smile and give him a weary nod.

His smile fades, though.

"Is this about Wednesday? God, you know that was an accident. You need to learn how to let things go."

I grimace at the mention. My guts still hurt after that.

"N-no, of course not! I-It's only..." As usual, I fail to come up with a good excuse.

He grabs my wrist with a grumble. "We're leaving. I knew I shouldn't have let you get this job."

He starts to pull me towards the exit, but I resist, afraid I'll lose this as well.

"This has nothing to do with my job, I swear, I'm sorry, please don't-" My rambling is cut off when he yanks me close to his face.

"I said we're leaving. Do you have a problem with that?"

"N-No, I'm sorry..." I trail off, then hear a voice behind me.

"Sir, we don't allow any form of harassment in this store. I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Calvin says from behind me.

Martin tenses. "We were just leaving anyway. Right, Adam?"

I nod and get up, going with him to the door. I can tell Calvin wants to say something, but I shake my head a little and give him a small smile. He's already helped me enough.

We leave the store and pass where James works as we make our way to the car. I spot James at the front counter and immediately look away, hoping he didn't see me.

I sigh, deflating as we walk.

I just hope tonight's not too bad.

James POV

I look up to see Adam walking by, a guy basically dragging him along by his wrist. Adam looks up, and we make eye contact for spilt second. He immediately looks away.

I sigh.

What am I going to do?


Q: If you had to spend the rest of your life in one room in your house, what would it be?

Words: 1157

A New Life (BoyxBoy)(Poly)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ