Jin: Excuse me, I cook her favorite food, so technically, I am her favorite.

Namjoon: Hello, I am the one who brings her books to read so I am her favorite okay?

Hobi: Oh shut up!! I bring chocolates, her ultimate love, for her. So, I am her favorite.

Like that, four of them bickered over who is my favorite.

Jimin: Are we invisible to them?

JK: Seriously??

Jimin: You alien, why did you bring up that up?

Tae: *scoff* How was I supposed to know that they will fight over this thing?

And these three continued to blame each other.

I am surrounded by clowns. Adorable clowns. 

I shook my head and continued with my breakfast. After eating, I with maknae line went to our college and hyung line went to their respective companies. 

On our way, I got a notification which reminded me of my dreaded fate.

Unknown No.: It's your last day princess. I hope you won't to do something stupid that may result in this beautiful day being the last day of one of your brothers or.. Mr. Stranger or.. your mom or.. your dad.. You have too many people to take care of btw.😏

Pushing away negative thoughts, we reached the college. 

As the classes began, my thoughts wandered off to the odd situation in front of me. All the background noises got blurred and I could only hear how he mocked me and my helplessness.

My stomach twisted as worst case scenarios played in my mind. I suddenly felt nauseous and my head felt light weighted until someone tapped my shoulder.

Chi-yeon: Are you okay? You kinda spaced out.

Y/n: Um.. yea- yeah.. I am fine.

He nodded and I continued listening to class absent mindedly.

"I have to do it. I need to do it."

"Please forgive me.."

As soon as the lecture got over, I got out of the class and made my way out of college.

My friends did ask why am I leaving so suddenly. So the classic excuse of forgetting my assignment which had to be submitted today, slipped out of my mouth. I texted the same to my brothers, whose replies didn't fail to make me roll my eyes.

Three Musketeers plus Milady🐓

J-Move: Remind me to buy some tonics for sharp memories. 

Tae Vincent Van Gogh: Add almonds in the list as well.

Justin Seagull: We can even ask for someone's spare brain. Her's is too smol to fit everything inside.

Stepbrothers •||BTS||• Goofy AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora