Ch. 16 The Chunin Exams!

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It's been several weeks since Team Seven returned from the Land of Waves with Zabuza and Haku. Upon their arrival, Zabuza and Haku were quickly taken to the Hokage for questioning.

"The infamous Zabuza Momochi, Demon of the Hidden Mist. And you must be Haku." The Third Hokage said, more statement than question. Zabuza and Haku are silent. Kakashi and Hanzo stand behind them towards the back of the room.

"Kakashi and Hanzo tell me that the both of you wish to join the village, is that right?"

"More or less. They convinced us that there would be a better life for us here. Not constantly looking over our shoulders... but I sense you wont let us stay without a few strings attached." Zabuza said.

"Hmm.. you're a smart one, Zabuza. That is correct. I'm willing to let the both of you prove that you can be trusted and stay in the village. Therefore, both of you will be paired with a chaperone, to keep an eye on you."

"A chaperone!? You think us children old man!" Zabuza shouted, gripping the handle of his sword tightly.

"On the contrary, I know of how dangerous the both of you are. Therefore, your chaperones will not be some run of the mill Chunin or low ranking Jonin. So, as of now, Zabuza, your chaperone will be Mitarashi Anko." Suddenly the door to the Hokage's office is thrown open and a women steps in.

"Hey there, handsome! Looks like we're partners, now!" Anko shouted as she hugged Zabuza's arm with a large smile

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"Hey there, handsome! Looks like we're partners, now!" Anko shouted as she hugged Zabuza's arm with a large smile.

'I already dont like her." Zabuza thought to himself.

"As for you, Haku. Your chaperone will be Uzumaki Hanzo." The Third Hokage motions to Hanzo. The Hokage seems to hide a smile as Haku looks back at Hanzo, who smiles. "Not only that, so your chaperones can keep watch over you, you both will be living with your chaperones."

"What!!!? I'm not living with her!" Zabuza shouted, trying to push Anko off his arm, but the woman was somehow holding her grip.

"If you wont abide by our set terms, then I'll expedite you back to the Hidden Mist." Zabuza glares at the Hokage, but the old ninja doenst blink. Eventually, Zabuza relents and sighs.

"Oh, come now, Zabuza! We're going to get along great, handsome!" Anko shouted gleefully.

"And another thing. Zabuza, I've decided not to demote you to Genin in the village, but you must take our Jonin examination if you wish to keep your ninja rank."

"Sure, whatever."

"And Haku, as you've never been an official ninja, I've granted that you be given the rank of Genin. Although, you wont be on a team. So if you wish to take this year's Chunin Exams, you will have to do it alone."

"Yes, Lord Third, thank you." Haku said with a small bow.

Since then, Zabuza and Haku had adapted to the village fairly easily. Haku more than Zabuza. Sasuke and Naruto welcomed Haku into their home with open arms.

"Wait, where is Haku gonna sleep? There are only three rooms, mine, Naruto's, and yours, Hanzo."

"She will be taking my room for the time being. I'll sleep on the couch."

-That Night-

"Here you are, Haku. My room is yours, let me just get a blanket and pillow-" Hanzo is cut off when Haku grabs his hand.

"Please.. dont sleep on the couch.. I dont want to take your bed from you.. so maybe.. we can.. sleep together.." Haku said with a heavy blush on her cheeks.

Not long after, Hanzo and Haku had started dating, much to the joy of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.

"Sensei! You and Haku look so cute together!" Sakura gushed when she saw Hanzo and Haku on a date.

Zabuza and Anko even seemed to be getting along.

"Hey, handsome! How about going out on a date!?" Anko shouted, barging into bathroom while Zabuza was showering.

"Leave me alone!"

For the most part...


It was an early morning in the Uzumaki household. Naruto and Sasuke were at the dining table as Hanzo and Haku were making breakfast.

"Thank you, for helping me." Hanzo gave Haku a kiss on the cheek, making her blush. Naruto and Sasuke see this and smile, happy for their brother. Hanzo and Haku bring the boys their breakfast, aswell as their own, and sit down. "Naruto, Sasuke, after breakfast the both of you can go ahead to the meeting place with Sakura. I'll meet up with you and Kakashi, later."

The two boys smile and give Hanzo a thumbs up, as their mouths were currently full of food.

Hanzo was the first to finish his breakfast. He hugged his brothers, gave Haku a kiss, and was out the door. When Haku turned back to her food, she noticed Naruto and Sasuke smirking at her.

"What?" Haku asked.

"We might have to start calling you, Big Sis, soon huh?" Naruto said, smirking. Haku blushed and began to sputter.

"I-I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself!"

"I dont know, Uzumaki Haku has a nice ring to it." Sasuke said with a smirk. Haku's face deepend in color as she couldnt form any coherent words while Naruto and Sasuke chuckled.


Naruto and Sasuke were walking together on the outskirts of the village towards a bridge that Kakashi had told them to meet at. When they arrived, Sakura was already there waiting.

"Good morning, Sakura!" Naruto yelled with a smile.

"Morning." Sasuke greeted.

"Morning, guys." Sakura said, returning the greeting. The three young Genin waited on the bridge for their Senseis. It took a few hours, but Kakashi and Hanzo finally arrived.

"Hello, everyone. I got lost today." Kakashi said.

"No you didnt!" Hanzo shouted at his long time friend.

"Anyway, we have some good news for you. We dont have any missions so you have free reign of the day. And, we have an important meeting to get to."

"Yeah, and sorry guys for making you all wait so long for us. But I'll make it up to all of you." Hanzo said. With that Kakashi and Hanzo leave for their meeting. They arrived at the Hokage offices to meet with the Hokage and the other Jonin of the village.

"There is no other reason to summon you here other than, as I assume you already understand, based on the faces you can see around. Seven days from today, on the first of July, the Chunin Exam will begin!" The Third Hokage announced with a smile.

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