Ch. 2 Konohamaru

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The next day, Hanzo was called to the Hokage's office.

"I understand that Mizuki revealed the truth." Lord Third said.

"That is correct Lord Hokage."

"Hmm... Well, Hanzo you've known about the fox spirits since you were thirteen. I suppose it only makes sense for Naruto to learn about it as he approached that age, I just wish it came from someone else." Lord Hokage said, taking a puff from his pipe.

"As do I." Hanzo said, saddened.

"In any case, seeing as this incident was rather traumatic for Naruto and Sasuke. Hanzo, why dont you take the day to yourself and spend some time with the boys. I'm sure they need it."

"Thank you, Lord Hokage." Hanzo bowed and went to leave the Hokage's office in search of the boys, but suddenly a small boy burst through the door and tries to attack the Hokage, only to trip on his overly long scarf. Not long after, another Jonin, Ebisu, enters.

Hanzo goes over to the boy, who is the Hokage's grandson, Konohamaru, and lifts him to his feet.

"Hey, get off me! Wait a minute, it was you that stopped me from taking out gramps!" The young boys shouted. Hanzo simply raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Honorable Grandson!" Ebisu yelled. Ebisu then sees Hanzo and frowns. 'The Nine-Tailed Ninja! How dare he touch the Honorable Grandson!'

"Honorable Grandson? Oh, then you're Konohamaru." Hanzo said.

"That's right, and I'm gonna be the fifth Hokage!" Konohamaru declared.

Good luck with that, you'll have to get passed my little brother first." Hanzo said with a chuckle. Hanzo turns to the Hokage. "Good day, Lord Third." Hanzo once again tries to leave, but Konohamaru tries to attack him with Kunai. In response, before the boy can even blink, Hanzo has Konohamaru pinned to the ground with his sword at the boy's throat.

"I dont recommend attacking a fully train ninja... honorable grandson." Hanzo said darkly.

Konohamaru looked into Hanzo's eyes and saw that they had become a deep red and were now slitted vertically. The young boy was trembling in fear.

Hanzo let the boy go and returned his sword to its scabbard. He bid the young boy good day, and left.

Hanzo made his through the village until he met up with Naruto and Sasuke at Ichiruka Ramen. And the boys were already on their fifth bowls.

"Hello, little brothers." Hanzo greeted, ruffling their hair.

"Hey, big brother!" Naruto and Sasuke greeted back, their mouths full.

"Hanzo, good to see you. The usual?" Ichiraku asked.

"Yes, thank you. Have my little friends here been running up the bill I have to pay?" Hanzo asked. Naruto and Sasuke give large, goofy grins.

"Hehehe, a bit."

"The two of you are lucky I make more than enough for the three of us!" Hanzo sighed. Hanzo pulls the two boys into head locks.

"Ahh! We're sorry, Hanzo!" Naruto yelled.

"Yeah, we're sorry!" Sasuke yelled, aswell. Hanzo releases the boys and starts to eat his ramen.

"So where were you?" Sasuke asked.

"I was having a meeting with the Hokage over the incident with Mizuki."

"You're not in trouble are you?" Naruto asked, worried.

"No, nothing like that. Hey, after we eat, how about we all go train?"

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