Ch.5 You Failed!

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As Hanzo fell to the ground, Naruto and Sasuke looked on in horror at the Kunai imbeded in his throat. But as he got closer to the ground, the blood from the wound started to become clear and Hanzo's body splashed into water as it hit the ground. Naruto and Sasuke breath a sigh of relief.

"It's was a water clone." Sasuke said.

"Thank goodness. Wait, where is he then?" Naruto said. Naruto and Sasuke look around them but dont see Hanzo anywhere.

"I wouldn't be concerned with him right now. After all, I'm still here." Kakashi said, stepping forward. Naruto and Sasuke look at Kakashi and ready themselves for another fight.


Elsewhere, Sakura was running through the trees. However, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Hanzo standing in a small clearing. Sakura quickly hid behind a bush before she could be seen.

'Oh, no. Its Uzumaki-Sensei! I cant take him in a fight. But maybe I can sneak the bell off his waist?' Sakura thought. Sakura turned around to try and sneak away, but came face to face with a pair of red, slitted eyes.

Sakura blinked and found herself standing in a clearing. She looked around completely confused.

"Wait, this isnt right. I just saw Uzumaki-Sensei. And a pair of red eyes..."

"Sakura..." Sakura spun around, hearing a familiar voice.

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled with a smile. However, her smile vanished with what she saw before her eyes. Naruto was leaning against a tree on his knees. He had dozens of kunai and shuriken stabbed into him and he was even missing an eye. Blood was pouring from his wounds.


", Uzumaki-Sensei wouldn't let this happen. He couldnt let this happen..." Sakura had tears running down her face and she was on the verge of passing out, until she realized something.

"Of course! Uzumaki-Sensei would never let this happen! This isnt real! This is a Genjutsu!" The dying Naruto faded away and was replaced with an unharmed Hanzo.

"Very good, Sakura. You saw through the Jutsu, you have good mental fortitude. Now, let's see if you can handle Taijutsu."

Sakura's eyes widen as Hanzo charges her with blinding speed. She is just barley able to duck under a kick before being punched in the gut, knocking the wind out of her. Hanzo throws Sakura against a tree and goes for another punch. Just before the punch lands, Sakura regains her breath and rolls out of the way. Sakura pulls out a kunai and tries to stab Hanzo, but in a swift motion he draws his sword and blocks the blade with his own.

"You're doing better than I thought. Here I was think you'd be totally useless. Maybe you do have some potential."

"Of course, I cant exactly achieve my dreams if I'm a weakling who relies on my teammates all the time." Sakura said with a smile.

"Well spoken, Sakura. Then show me just how strong you are!"

Sakura and Hanzo break their clash and start swiping and stabbing at each other. Sakura has to pull out a second kunai just to even try to keep up with Hanzo's swings. The clanging of their weapons can be heard by Kakashi and the boys by the river. But, try as she might, Sakura cant break through her Sensei's defenses. She goes for a stab with one of her kunai, but Hanzo takes the opportunity to strike. He twirls around Sakura, grabbing her by the wrists and raising his blade to her throat.

"Guess I was fool for thinking I had a chance of beating you, Sensei."

"A little, but you didnt back down Sakura. I admire that. You are very strong, and you have the potential to be among the strongest in the entire village."

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