Ch.3 Sakura

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We open to a beautiful morning in the Leaf Village. The birds were chirping and a light breeze ruffled the leaves of the trees.

"Naruto! Sasuke! It's time for breakfast!" Hanzo shouted. The two young boys groggily get out of bed and get dressed.

"Do we have to get up?" Sasuke said still somewhat asleep.

"Yeah, cant we lay in bed?" Naruto said rubbing his eye.

"No you cannot. Besides, today's orientation. I'm not about to have my little brothers be late on their first official day of being ninja. Now, eat and get going."

Sasuke and Naruto eat and are about to head out. But before they can walk out the door, Hanzo walks up to them holding their headbands.

"Dont want to forget these." Hanzo ties the headbands to the boy's foreheads and looks at the two of them with a smile. "I'm so proud of you Naruto. And Sasuke, I know that Itachi would be proud too." Naruto and Sasuke smile at Hanzo and give him a hug before leaving.

Elsewhere in the Village, Haruno Sakura was preparing to leave for orientation aswell. She was fully dressed and her headband was tied around her head.

"There we go, now I look like a proper kunoichi. Better head out before I'm late."

Sakura leaves her house and starts to make her way to orientation. Along the way, she meets up with her longtime friend, Yamanaka Ino.

"Morning, Ino."

"Morning, Sakura."

"Kind of strange, huh? Being a real ninja?" Sakura asked.

"I know. But, I never doubted we'd make it!" Ino said, puffing her chest out pridefully. Sakura playfully rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, sure. Hey, you talk to Sasuke yet? I know how much you like him."

"No, he's always running around with Naruto and Uzumaki-Sensei. What about you, have you talked to Naruto?"

"No, he's always around around his brothers. Cant get a word with him, he's a speedy little goofball." Sakura said with a blush.

"And that's why you love him so much." Ino said teasingly. Sakura blushes and playfully elbows Ino in the arm. The two young girls share a laugh as they continue towards orientation.

Back with Sasuke and Naruto, they've arrived at orientation on time for a change and are sitting next to each other talking.

"So big bro taught you how to use the Fireball Jutsu?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, I finally got it down. Without burning myself in the process." Sasuke said, a little embarrassed. Sasuke chuckles nervously at the latter half of his statement.

"Yeah, I remember you came home with a burnt tongue." Naruto said chuckling.

"Yeah, Hanzo had me drink this disgusting medicine that tasted like dirt." Sasuke said with a laugh. Naruto and Sasuke share a laugh. That is when Ino and Sakura walk into the classroom. The two girls see Sasuke and Naruto and go over to talk to them.

"Hey guys." Sakura greeted.

"Hello." Ino greeted, aswell.

"Hey, Sakura. Hey, Ino." Naruto said, smiling.

"Good thing you both got here, you were almost late." Sasuke said. The girls give nervous chuckles. The four young ninja talk amongst themselves until Iruka-Sensei enters the classroom. Everyone takes their seats as Iruka speaks.

"As of today, you all have become full-fledged ninjas. However, you're still Genin. The tough part's still to come! From here on, you'll be in a squad of three and carry out missions under you Jonin teachers. The groups have been determined so that the strength of the groups will be balanced. Now for the assignments!" Iruka went through the group lists one by one until he reached group seven.

"Now for team seven. Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke."

At hearing thet they were in a group together, Sasuke and Naruto jumped from their seats and gave each other high fives.

"Alright!" Naruto yelled.

"No one can stop us!"

"Alright, settle down you two." Iruka said with a smile. The boys sat back down with huge smiles on their faces. After Iruka had finished grouping everyone Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto met outside to chat.

"Looks like we're on Team Seven." Sakura said, smiling.

"Yeah! None of the other teams stand a chance!" Naruto declared. Naruto and Sasuke throw their arms over each other's shoulders and smile.

"The both of you really are brothers. If this was my first time meeting the both of you, I'd have thought you both came from the same clan." Sakura said. Sasuke and Naruto only smile wider and chuckle a bit.

"Hey, who do you think will be our Jonin?" Naruto asked.

"I hope its Uzumaki-Sensei." Sakura said with a smile. Sasuke and Naruto look at Sakura surprised.

"Why do you want big bro?" Sasuke asked.

"Its no secret that he's one of the best Jonin in the village. And I hope to get some training from him." Sakura said.

"You could just ask him." Naruto said.

"I cant just walk up to a Jonin and ask his to train me!" Sakura said, slightly surprised at Naruto's suggestion.

"Why not? Hanzo will train anyone who asks." Sasuke said, nonchalantly.

"Really, he'd do that?" Sakura asked, hope in her voice.

"Yeah, just ask." Naruto said.

"Huh. Well anyway, tomorrow we get assigned our Jonin. Let's make a good first impression!" Sakura said determined.

"Right!" Sasuke and Naruto agreed. Above the three young ninja, a Jonin, Hatake Kakashi, was watching them.

"So I'm going to be teaching Hanzo's little brothers? This should be interesting." Kakashi said to himself.

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