Chapter 30: Power of One - The Prophecy

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Here it is! The biggest arc I have ever wrote!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.

The man with a golden hair was reading a prophecy that Arlo of the Team Rocket has stolen from the museum.

Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice, or lightning. Lest these titans reek destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water's great guardian shall arise to quell the fighting, alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth will turn to ash. Oh Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea.

This is the prophecy foretold among Shamouti Island...

That young man was Lawrence III. He has been targeted by Pokémon G-Men, but he wasn't afraid. He has three high member of the Team Rocket with him right now: Cliff, Sierra and Arlo.

"Thank you three of you. You all have been very helpful," Lawrence III said.

"This is the least we could do. Team Rocket really has fallen off after Giovanni went missing," Sierra replied.

"Aren't you afraid of the Pokémon G-Men?" Cliff asked.

"Oh no," Lawrence III smirked. "We are inside the blimp, you three are here for me and there are no evidence. In fact, I invited Lance Wataru."

"You what!?" Arlo uttered.

"Don't worry I got this," Lawrence smirked and continued. "I think you guys really should leave for now."

"Good luck," Cliff said as three Rocket members left the blimp.

Few minutes later, Lawrence III heard the small footsteps behind him. He knew who he was as he took a wine and poured inside the glass.

"So my guest has arrived," Lawrence III said.

It was really quite a rare thing for him to have any. It wasn't because people were just simply not interested in his collection. A lot of people would pay for a chance to look at some of the things he owned, but he didn't allow people entrance. He will never show off his collection on museum or any other play. He will keep his collections inside the blimp all the time.

"Quite the interesting prophecy, is it now?" Lawrence III asked.

"It really is and I must admit, you really keep your collections pretty clean. I am amused," Lance spoke for the first time. This was the first time ever that Lance and Lawrence meet each other.

"I'm glad you understand. Being a collector, nothing is too great or too small for me to obtain," Lawrence III replied.

Lance nodded. He was studying Lawrence III for the past months and asked Lawrence III whether he could set foot on his blimp. It was hard task though. He wasn't inside the blimp all the time and Lance didn't even know he was at the Pinkin Island until the last minute. It was a bad luck though, considering Lawrence III escaped just before Lance and his man could catch him. Lance searched every part of Pinkin Island, but there was no evidence. However, Lance knows that Lawrence is hiding something.

"How did you know that I will be at the Pinkin Island?" Lance asked him.

"Pinkin Island is full of security cameras. There was no way that I wouldn't notice you," Lawrence III said.

"Why did you ran away?" Lance asked another question.

"Because I cannot be bothered with you," Lawrence III said. "Seriously, do I look suspicious to you?"

"With many actions you did, yeah," Lance quickly replied.

"You see Lance, the reason why I invited you is because I did no wrongdoings. You can have a tour around the blimp and ask many questions as much as you want," Lawrence III said.

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