Chapter 4: Farewell and a New Start

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You might have noticed that I mentioned 'Kaskade region' in some chapters. That region is created by YouTuber known as 'Lockstin and Gnoggin', so it is not canon region. Other non-canon regions will be mentioned, but I am not sure that fakemon will appear. It is very complicated.

Few more non-canon regions mentioned, but it is nothing serious.

With that being said, enjoy the chapter!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Pokémon.

It was the next day's noon.

Ash, Serena, Leaf, Goh, Pikachu and Togepi has arrived in Pallet Town and they are already inside the Oak's laboratory. Goh had introduced himself in front of the adults and Ash's friends. He even showed off his newly caught Scorbunny and talked about his dream.

Speaking of capturing new Pokémon, Professor Oak already knows that Ash and Leaf had caught brand new Pokémon on their team. Oak was really surprised to see Blipbug, since it is the Pokémon that Kantonian will not see. Snorlax was another Pokémon he was astonished to see. He was soon worried that this Pokémon might cause havoc by gulping many foods in the ranch. As for now, Snorlax was asleep.

The parents were at the different places already. Rose is at the school teaching the students, Delia, Carly and Grace is at home cooking. Grey, Brown and Pink will go back to the Cerulean City after their children leaves Kanto. Blue Oak has gone back to Pokémon League and Red will be going in very few minutes.

Chase, Elaine, Trace, Leaf and Samurai were at the outside of the lab. They have already set their next destination of the journey. Chase will be going to the Kaskade region to study about weather and probably challenge for the Pokémon League. Elaine will go to the Hoenn regions to learn about Pokémon Coordinating. She will not be traveling actually, but will go to the academy which will be at the Rustbro City. Trace will stay in Kanto, but will stay in Lavender Town to research about ghost-Pokémon and help the daycare center. Samurai will go to the Xenioh region with his family for few months. He is eager to find more bug-Pokémon on his team. Leaf at this point didn't know what she wants to do, so she decided to stay in Kanto to rest for a while.

Currently, Ash and Serena has reunited with Brock and Misty. Ash was worried for the fact that Brock and Misty might go on different journey, but it looks like they will be companions for long time. Can't say the same to the other kids.

"Man, are we really going to separate with them?" Ash wondered.

"I knew this day would come," Misty said.

"Fact that their Kanto journey is over, they decided to go on a brand new region," Brock added.

Goh was quite nervous with these new people around. He got along well with Ash, Serena and Leaf, but now Brock and Misty!? Plus, there are few more kids that Goh haven't met yet. This was a nightmare for Goh. He really doesn't like meeting new faces.

Suddenly, Professor Oak has arrived at the room with smile on his face. It looks like he has some news to tell.

"Professor, what do you have?" Serena asked.

"Well, since you all are here including Goh, there is something I would like to ask of you all," Professor Oak started.

The group then gave Professor Oak their full attention. Upon seeing that they were listening, Professor Oak continued.

"You see. I need you to run a very important errand for me on Velencia Island in the Orange Archipelago," he said.

The group tilted their heads in curiosity. The exception was Ash, who looked thoughtful. If he recalled, this was the place where Lance would be visiting for a particular mission. It was something about this collector person. Did Professor Oak know anything about this, but then again, would it really matter if he did? It was then something occurred to him, but Serena beat him to it.

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