Chapter 15: The Pokèvision. A Step Towards Serena's Dream.

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This chapter focuses on three main characters and I put huge surprises that might be unexpected.

Enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon.

Having left the Friguson Island earlier that day, the group was still riding atop Lapras. The group had a tough time on that island especially when they found out that Team Rocket was the owner of casino. Also, Ash managed to make Larvitar comfortable because of the activation of aura.

Ash then whispered to Serena's ear. "Should I tell Goh and Tracey about aura?"

"I think you should, but at a right time," Serena responded.

Ash honestly couldn't hide his aura to Goh and Tracey. There should be a time that aura will be activated and didn't want to confuse two of his companion when it gets activated.

"Anyway, it looks like Mandarin Island is just ahead. We made it just in time before dark," Serena said.

The group then took a look from Lapras' back. The group was surprised how large the Mandarin Island was. There were skyscrapers covering all of the area. The evening time was beginning to show all of the massive city in its nightly glory. Bright and flashing lights were all over the city, reaching quite a bit into the ocean.

"Mandarin Island is the largest city in the Orange Archipelago. Exports and imports takes place almost everyday," Tracey explained.

"And for some odd reason, there are no Orange Crew in Mandarin Island," Goh added.

"I think we should stop by this island. I want peace with smaller island, but we have no choice," Misty said.

"I guess so. Friguson Island was so tiresome for me with all those Team Rocket stuff, buy yeah we have no choice," Ash shrugged his shoulder.

"There are ton of things to do at Mandarin Island. You could find a dream goal," Tracey stated.

"Really!? Like what?" Serena asked with interest.

"Well the most famous one is Pokémon Coordinator, Tracey said.

"Hmm...Pokémon Coordinator," Serena murmured as she cross her arm. Her good friend Elaine already went abroad to Hoenn and currently studying about it. She even got a mail from Elaine that how fun Pokémon Coordinating is.

"There is also Pokè Vision too," Tracey added.

"Pokèvision...I know that," Serena mused.

"What is it?" Misty asked.

"Pokevision is basically like Tiktok and other video sites that are shown all over the internet. There are people who are looking for potentials and will look over these video sites to search for a talent," Tracey explained.

"Another thing is Pokémon Showcase," Tracey said.

Pokémon Performing or Pokémon Showcase is another job/goal that Serena was interested on. It looks similar to Pokémon Coordinator, but there are so many things to do.

"Let's just drop by Mandarin Island. This might be a huge opportunity not only for Serena, but you all could find something interesting," Ash said and talked to his Lapras. "Lapras, looks like we're going to be stopping at Mandarin Island for tonight!"

Lapras cried with a response and swam towards the Mandarin Island.

The group managed to arrive at the Pokémon Centre. It was a miracle that they managed to find the Pokémon Centre despite how large the island is. To top it off, the roads were noisy than usual due to how many people are there. It was late at evening, so most people were going back home after the hard day's work.

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