“You do seem happier. And more awake.” He chuckles, leaning down and kissing my forehead. “I do like an awake partner.” 

“I’ll be more awake when I kick your ass for taking the bathroom.” I chuckle back and he rolls his eyes. Mira and I do our thing and I feel at least a little better. It feels like as soon as I lay back down, someone punches me right in the uterus. God, being AMAB would have been so much easier. I lay there for hours, letting the sun rise and skipping breakfast before a knock comes on my door. “Fuck off, I’m on my period and it hurts like a motherfucker!” I shout and the door opens anyway. 

“I know, mi vida.” Camilo’s voice rings through my ears and I roll over to look at him. He steps closer, setting a tray with a teapot and cup down next to me on my nightstand. “I just came to check on you.” He says, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. He pours some tea into the cup and I sit up so he can hand it to me. 

“Thank you.” I smile at him, closing my eyes happily at the warmth of the cup. “Is Mirabel’s as bad?” I ask and he shakes his head. 

“Thank God, no. I wouldn’t wait on her even if it was.” 

“Why are you waiting on me, then?” I chuckle. 

“Because you deserve it, mi princesa hermosa.” He leans over, kissing me softly. “Or, if you prefer, mi príncipe hermoso.” 

“Either is fine. Thank you for caring.” 

“Darling, what I do about your gender is the bare minimum. Now, drink your tea before Mirabel kills me.” He chuckles lightly. I take a sip and try to act polite. I’ve never liked tea, it smells so amazing but tastes like hot water with a bit of dirt. I won’t tell him that, though. 

“Where is Mirabel?” I ask, setting the cup down. 

“Who the fuck is burning down my kitchen?!” Mami’s muffled voice comes from downstairs. I try to ignore the fact that she’s screaming and laugh it off. 

“Well, she was downstairs trying to make you some breakfast but I assume it’s not going well.” Camilo says just as Mirabel appears in my doorway. 

“Nothing’s on fire!” She says breathlessly, closing my door. She quickly clears her throat and approaches me with only a sack of rice in hand. “Nothing is… harmed.. because of the fire. I just wanted to make you something to help with your cramps.” She smiles, gently placing the sack in my lap. I smile and close my eyes at the warmth, leaning back. 

“Thank you. So fucking much.” I groan in delight, soaking in the warm heaven of the makeshift heating pad. 

“Of course, miel.” She smiles, taking a knee next to the bed. 

“I’m ready to take on the world!” I whoop triumphantly, standing and fist pumping. There’s a few moments of silence and I see them eye each other carefully before standing creepily in sync. 

“Ready to finally go out?” Mira asks carefully as the both come to each of my sides. I take a deep breath, thinking for a moment. 

“Yes. But you guys are gonna be there, right? Like, I don’t have to do it alone?” I look at them for confirmation and they both immediately nod. 

“Of course, mi princesa.” Camilo assures me, taking my hand and squeezing it lovingly. 

“Anything you want, miel.” Mirabel kisses my cheek. I excuse myself to get ready because even though I would love to not put effort into anything, there is no way I am going anywhere public in booty shorts after what happened. I pause, taking a deep breath before opening the doors to Casita with Cami and Mira on either side of me. A gentle breeze hits me as soon as I open the door and I smile, knowing at least that tía is having a good day.

We walk through town, just enjoying the beautiful day outside while still being wary of the surrounding people. “Hey.” Camilo nudges me and Mira and I look over at him. “You went ten years without seeing him. Maybe the other night was just a crazy night, huh? Enjoy yourself a little, you shouldn’t have to live a life of fear just because of one guy. If we see him, we’ll deal, but I can’t stand seeing you afraid just to do something so simple as going outside.” I pause for a moment, staring at him. 

“Since when did you get intelligent?” I ask and both Mirabel and I burst into laughter. 

“There’s my princesa!” He chuckles, tackling me in a hug. 

“Is this guy bothering you, babe?” Mira asks in her deep voice and I smile cheerfully. 

“It’s alright. He’s just a friend.” I tell her, pushing him off of me.

“Just a friend?” Cami uses his fakest voice, putting a hand over his heart and the back of the other on his forehead. “Have our date nights meant nothing to you?” 

“Not now.” I try to sound serious but I’m too giggly. No one continues the scene and when I look over at them, Camilo and Mirabel are just staring at me. Not creepily. They both seem content. “What?” I ask, making Mirabel smile and Camilo shake his head. 

“Just glad you’re feeling better, mi vida.” Mira says, taking my hand in hers.

Word Count: 1,477

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Happy Valentine's Day, I didn't plan for a cuter chapter to come out today but here it is, love y'all <3 Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (2/14/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,525

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora