Chapter 16

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"You disgust me," Arthur spits. "And I--"

He breaks off as the ground begins shaking. As everything begins shaking. The walls seem to crack under the pressure. Arthur wobbles his way over to view outside, which is utter chaos. The small, wooden houses look like they're about to collapse any second. People fall, dropping things they were carrying, knocking over carts and other people. Everyone is clinging to someone or something just to keep themselves up. Even that doesn't work.

Then he hears the scream. A scream so loud, it can be heard for miles. Everyone's heads turn to the forest, where the cry seems to be coming from.

Arthur freezes.

"Sorcery!" Uther calls, bitterly. He stumbles towards Arthur. "What do you have to say, now? He's taking down Camelot!"

Arthur doesn't bother to reply. He just runs. It doesn't matter that the ground is moving, that everything is falling, from trees to people to homes. Even the castle seems a little less unsteady. But none of that can distract him from the thing on his mind.

Merlin. It's always Merlin, usually just a thought at the back of his mind, even sometimes his main focus. Right now, Merlin is his main worry. Forget arguing with his father for the rights of sorcerers. That won't get anyone anywhere. As much as he hates to admit, only when he's king will things actually change. His father is too stubborn to change his views.

People's eyes dart to their prince as he hurries past (as well as he can, all things considered). He doesn't stop, and he doesn't falter. Somehow. He reaches the gates which are swinging uneasily on their hinges, rushes out, and turns to where he left Merlin and Gwen.

"Merlin!" he yells over the ruckus. He follows the scream. The scream that bursts his ear drums, that breaks his heart, that hurts him more than words can ever describe. He makes his way, with haste, which seems to be getting harder the closer he gets, when he finally sees him. Merlin.

His expression is pained. And his mouth is open, letting out this ungodly sound which causes Arthur so much pain. He's out of his shackles, arms outstretched, leaning back as he kneels. His eyes are clenched shut, and he just won't stop screaming.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouts, louder. Merlin doesn't seem to hear. "Merlin!"

He pushes closer.

"Merlin, stop!" he yells.

"He can't hear you!" someone returns.

It's only now he regards Gwen on the floor, looking terrified.

This doesn't stop him, however. He pushes on, and makes his way towards Merlin. "Merlin!" he screams, once more, to no avail.

Walking and moving towards him gets harder, and he's pushed to the floor, leading him to resort to strained crawling.

"Merlin, listen to me!"

No response.

"Merlin, you utter clotpole, listen to me, for once!" he shouts louder, his voice getting a little hoarse.

If I stop, he'll take over, comes Merlin's fearful voice. But curiously, his mouth didn't move and it... it sounded like it was in his head.

"Merlin, we have the spell, we can get rid of him," Arthur says, ignoring the fact that Merlin is screaming whilst they talk. It's unnerving, but the dire situation calls for a little ignorance.

I can't let him take over again, Merlin says in a begging tone unbefitting to him. Please, Arthur, don't make me.

The tone of his voice breaks Arthur just that little bit more, making his usual wall tumble down, much like the walls of Camelot are about to.

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