Chapter 14

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"So, here you are," Aimee groans. "But I don't see you taking over Camelot."

Sigan scowls, before muttering a spell under his breath, trying to break free of his invisible shackles.

Aimee sighs. "Would you like to give us any advice on how to expel you?" she asks.

This just causes him to laugh, head thrown back in a manic manner. "Why would I tell you?"

"I don't know. Thought it was worth a try," she mutters. With that, she simply walks away, leaving Gwen, Morgana and Arthur confused.

With a nod at Morgana, Arthur follows Aimee, whilst her and Gwen stay behind. When he catches up to her, he clears his throat, not only for her attention, but also to keep himself from sounding like he'd been crying (even if she'd seen him).

"Hm?" she comes, absent-mindedly.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asks.


Arthur hesitates. He doesn't want to sound ungrateful or anything for her help, but... time is sort of of the essence. "About what?"

"Do you know a way to get rid of Sigan, or who to ask for it?" she questions, rather abruptly.

"Er-- No," Arthur answers. "I don't know how--" He trails off. Now he's the one deep in thought.

Aimee's interest peaks. "What?"

"I didn't think about it before..."

"What?" Aimee urges.

"Merlin knows the spell to... get rid of Sigan, I think. And he got it from the dragon."

"Ah. So all we have to do is..."

"Sneak into Camelot, into the castle itself, and talk to him," Arthur finishes with a sigh.

"Glad our expectations are realistic," she moans.

"Couldn't we ask Merlin?" Arthur suggests. "When it's actually him?"

"We don't have the time to wait for him to regain strength."

"Couldn't he have told us before?"

"If I knew he knew, I would have asked, but I assumed you came because you had no idea what to do," she groans. "We're the last people you'd come to for help, so I knew you were desperate."

"So, now we have to break into the castle?" Arthur breaths, voice filled with dismay.

"And speak to the most annoying and unhelpful lizard in the world, asking for exactly that; help."


Before, the plan was to get out of Camelot, which isn't too hard, and definitely not as hard as getting in, even for someone who knows the castle as Arthur does. Camelot will be on high alert, with a prisoner, the prince, the king's ward and her servant all missing. Knights will be patrolling the forest surrounding it, patrolling the town and the castle much more than they were before. That's not very helpful, and as much as they doubt themselves, they plan to break into the castle, reach the caves, and find the dragon. If anyone sees them and follows them through the caves, there'll be no way out. And even once they find the dragon, he may not even help. It's a gamble, but all of them will do anything, for their own reasons, to get Merlin back, and have Sigan gone.

They go at night, so as to not be so easily noticed. Gwen stays with Merlin, making sure he doesn't wake, just outside of Camelot, hidden in the forest. She wanted to go with them, but Morgana fought against it, reasoning that someone needed to be with Merlin. The other three are to enter the castle through the tunnel, and basically just sneak past all the guards or knocking them out (without causing too much noise) and head to the caves under the castle to find the dragon.

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