If he didn't know about all Merlin had done, what would he think about his magic?

"Where are we going?" Merlin wonders aloud.

"I don't know," Arthur admits. "I just wanted to get away."

Part of the truth. He doesn't know where they're going, he does want to get away, but so they can talk, so he can get some peace and some space to think. With Merlin, of course. His new definition of alone seems to be alone, but with Merlin. And it works, because Merlin knows when to leave him to his thoughts and when to not. He knows when to butt in, he knows exactly what to say and when, and that's why Arthur likes his so much, why he trusts him so much. He's that kind of person, inexplicably kind and trustworthy. Just a general good, likeable person. He's the kind of person who doesn't seem to be able to wrong anyone, to do evil, unless it was for a good cause.
Arthur was never quick to trust. Before Merlin, he'd hardly had any friends. Not any close ones. Not any who were worth his time, or his effort trying to impress.


They ride out, deep into the forest, for quite a while. It's night, quiet, and dark enough that they can't see too well, even with the full moon looming creepily overhead. But they know these woods. Even then, light would be useful.

Arthur hesitates, thinking it might be awkward to ask...

"Merlin?" he says.

"Yes, sire?" Merlin replies.

"Could you..." Arthur hesitates again. "Could you make some light?"

Arthur doesn't even know if it's possible to. He hardly knows anything about magic, but he intends to learn.

"Do you want me to start a fire?" Merlin asks. "Should we stop?"

"No," Arthur says, almost too quickly. "I meant... the other way." Arthur halts his horse, and rears it to face Merlin. He struggles to say the words, but with a tone of finality, he says, "With... magic."

Merlin looks visibly shocked. Even in the dark Arthur can see it.

"Erm, I-- Okay, sire." A smile breaks out on his face, one showing true content.

Merlin closes his eyes, and Arthur makes sure to watch them closely, wanting to see the golden glow again, even if it reminded him of Sigan. He whispers something Arthur can't make out, and holds up his hand. He opens his eyes, and Arthur sees the beauteous star-like gold. His heart jumps, in both fear and awe. Merlin, focusing on his open hand, conjures a ball of light which floats in his hand. With a slow movement, he makes the light move above them, and keeps it there.

"Is... that what you wanted?" Merlin asks, sounding embarrassed.

Breathless, Arthur utters, "Yes."

Arthur, blushing, and remembering to breathe again, clears his throat and gestures for Merlin to follow him. "Come on."

They ride a bit further until they find a clearing, where they set up camp. The horses are all tied up, and the prince and servant lie their heads on the log behind them.

"Stop being lazy, and make us a fire," Arthur groans, tiredly. "It's cold."

"Oh, sorry, that I'm being lazy!" Merlin retorts. "You know, you're perfectly capable of making a fire yourself!"

"Yeah, but why do it myself when I can make you do it?" he smirks.

"Arse," Merlin mutters, before going to collect some firewood. He searches through the forest, not too far from Arthur, picking up suitable wood on the way, before he hears a scream.

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