Chapter 62: Grace

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I must've zoned out because when I came too, we were sitting in our parking garage. I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped, I felt the hand on me tighten, I looked to see it was Taylor, she was holding her other hand up.

"What is wrong?" Taylor said. That voice, that menacing snide voice sounded just like Blake. I felt tears in my eyes, she gestured between me and eye silently telling me to keep my eyes on her.

"Sounded just like him." I whispered, I closed my eyes and I felt a tear go down my face. I felt so, small, like I was back there again, with him. I felt so powerless, like I had no control, I cannot feel like that again, I won't let myself be that way again.

"It wasn't. It never will be." Taylor said confidently. She turned looking away from me mumbling, "not if I have anything to say about it." she finished. I needed out of this car, I wanted my bed, I wanted my music. I reached down to my bag grabbing the apartment keys.

I jumped out of the car, we were parked on the level we live on, I just kept running, I felt like I was suffocating but if I just got there, I would be free. I heard yelling behind me, but I didn't care. I got to apartment door and just fidgeted with the keys not really focusing on what I was doing, but I got the door opened and I just ran not even knowing if I closed the door behind me, I got to my bed, threw off my hoodie and got under my comforter.

I don't know how long I was lying there; all I knew is that I closed my eye and just started counting to ten over and over. I did that until I felt calm, until I felt like myself again, I felt my eyes were wet, I raised up slowly, I stretched a bit a felt a leg? Near me I jumped.

"Hey." I realized; it was Taylor beside me. I sighed laughing at myself a bit. "I would never leave you. You know that right?" I looked to her nodding, I turned looking the rest of the room for the guys.

"They are in the living room, wanted to give you space, said they would spend the night, if you wanted." Taylor said arching a brow at me.

"I'll talk, I will. Give me a minute?" I asked, I wanted to change into some fresh clothes first.

"Okay." She said getting up and leaving the room. I changed into some clothes, a black t-shirt and some sweats from the back of my closet and brushed my hair. I walked into the living room to see that Nate and Mateo had pillows and comforters strolled throughout the living room.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Nate asked walking towards me.

"I guess?" I answered confused to what to say.

"What did he say?" Taylor asked I walked to the couch and sat Mateo was sitting in the recliner to my right.

"He wanted to know when the next I was going to perform was, and congratulated me on dancing last night. Kind of insisted actually." I trailed off.

"Insisted on what?" Mateo asked he was leaned forward he elbows on his knees.

"Insisted on knowing, when I was going to perform next, like he was planning something maybe?" I suggested.

"Did you ever figure out how he got my phone number?" Taylor asked.

"Christi wasn't sure but she did say that Nate's office was unlocked. She uses Nate's office when she is running the club for us, because mine we hang out in it more." Mateo explained.

"Well, at least we know nothing was taken." Nate said turning to Mateo who nodded at him.

"Why do you say that?" I asked genuinely confused why he wouldn't be mad someone got information about the girls from the offices.

"There was nothing there to take besides information all that we keep on you, paper wise is phone numbers, addresses are kept in our computers. He would need my password, and I never keep any I personally have in my office." Nate explained.

"Well, I guess that's good." Taylor offered. "Why don't you have a file on Grace, yet?" Taylor then asked.

"Yeah, why didn't you?" I asked that was kind of weird if Nick had my information, he would have called me and not Taylor.

"We don't make the file until you dance three times." Mateo said.

"Should I be concerned?" I asked, I genuinely wanted to know what I needed to do and if I should be worried. This isn't happening again, not if I have anything to say about it. He needs to find someone else to bother.

"He's fixated on us. The girls know about us, and Mateo's ex, well she gave Nick attention and from the way you're speaking you didn't?" Nate suggested. I nodded.

"I hung up, as soon as I knew he was fishing." I explained.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about, to feed him anything, he wants Mateo's attention let's not give it to him." Nate explained.

"Agreed." Mateo uttered staring down at the floor.

"Alright, then." I agreed. I wanted to take my mind off of this.

After a couple minutes of them asking if I was okay, I went to my room and started listening to music. Nare and Mateo said they would Taylor told them I just needed a little time to myself which I agreed with. I don't them to think I was shutting them out I just needed time to think. 

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