"Why?" I asked.

"I haven't said goodbye." She replied. "Please stop the car?" She asked and I giggled as I stopped the car; it being about forty meters now. She climbed out of the car; the paparazzi loving this obviously. I looked through the mirror and I saw that she ran up towards Daniel and jumped on his back and he turned around and she gave him two kisses. He shook his head as she walked towards Luther; I could see he was just as amazed by her as I was.

Well, it had been immensely clear that both of my brothers were just as fucked up in our heads for her. She was the most beautiful, most funny, and perfect girl in this whole entire world. Luther said something to her, making her laugh and she gave him two more kisses before she hopped back towards the car, climbed on the side and over the railing of sorts. She looked at me and she burst out into laughter as I was shaking my head as I started the car.

"What? I'm not going to see them for one or two days and I didn't say goodbye" She said and I giggled and nodded as I then started to drive; following the car in front of me. After a while we were going up a dirt road and she was laughing a bit while listening to some music and enjoying the wind. It was currently five o clock Bali time so to speak. After a while the security stopped and I turned my head and I saw this beautiful little house, making me smile. I climbed out first, grabbing both bags and I then went over towards Olivia whom had climbed out of the car. I leaned down, going through my knees.

"What are you doing?" She asked and I smiled very widely.

"It's apparently tradition to carry your bride into the house, come on." I said and she giggled as she hopped into my arms. She had her arms around my neck and tight as I carried her into the house. I walked with her through the house; haven never been here myself, and when I got outside, I was delighted. There was a dinner place to our direct right, there was an infinity pool, and then there was this deck of sorts with nets around it, where a bed/couch situation was placed where we could watch the sun set. I stared ahead and the view, it was spectacular; we were looking directly at the sun and I realised that we would be able to see the sun set.

"I'm going to freshen up first?" I stated. "You can get drinks from the kitchen, there are people there making our dinner." I said and she looked at me and her eyes widened in need as I was speaking. "I'll see you in about half an hour ok?" I said and she nodded as I gave her two pecks and I could see she wanted more; but I wasn't going to do that just now.

I walked up the stairs and I found the bathroom. I put both of our backpacks here. This way, when she decided to shower and stuff, all her stuff would be here. I undressed and climbed under the shower, cleaning myself up. I looked down at my dick and, like it had been for the past four weeks, it was hasfhard at all fucking times; something that was immensely painful, but then again this whole situation was painful.

I was done after a while and I put on some underwear and a dark grey pair of pants and then a white buttoned up shirt. I knew how much she loved this outfit on me. I then put on neat shoes, sprayed some cologne on me, before walking down the stairs. I couldn't find her at first, but I then saw her at the opening of the pool; so not by the infinity situation, with her feet in the water, her head up against the sun, enjoying this vibe. Fuck, she was so beautiful.

"The shower is ready for you babe." I whispered in her ear and her body shivered slightly, in that totally hot way, and she looked at me with those doe eyes. "You can have your moment." I said as I leaned down giving her two long pecks.

"Ok. I'll be right down." She whimpered slightly looking at me and I nodded. She then stood up and she went into the house. I went and sat by the area where we would get dinner. I looked at the menu for tonight, which was great. It was not a three course meal or anything, but it was sushi. I didn't know if she ever had sushi before, but I couldn't wait to help her with the chopsticks just in case.

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