The bottom of the bag

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"Oi Boris!!! You honey little inc sack!"

I could hear squidward yelling for Boris all the way from the attic. Don't ask why I was in there, but.. spongebob left a train of bloody sausages and I just couldn't resist myself from following it!

Spoiler alert. It led to the sponge being a perv.

stupid sponge.

The slippery squid flopped over to Boris, he was in the middle of a makeover session with punch from Punch and Judy.

The slippery squid flopped over to Boris, he was in the middle of a makeover session with punch from Punch and Judy

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(I don't remember it being this fucking creepy, how did this not give me nightmares-?)

Squidward snatched the stupid puppet up and threw in in spongebobs hole of rubbish, throwing in a lit match with it. The whole hole bursting into flames.

Cavemen burst in, surrounding the flaming rubbish hole.

"Fire? Fire! Fire? Fire? Fire!" They chanted


I stomped down and sat in the flaming hole.

"No fire"

The looked sad and waddled away.

Squidward shoved his inky tentacle inside boris's ear and nose, pushing Boris into submission for the gnomes..

Tweek tweak from southpark stumbled in with Craig, they were busy being gay so they didn't notice the gnomes roaming up Boris's bum.

The intestines from a pig burst into flame and spongebob felt like such a dumb dumb.

I love it when he feels like a dumb dumb

"You need a combination of, shut up!" I yelled at the damn sponge.
He cried, I licked his tears..

"Mmmmmm.. so nice and moist.. my salty sponge.." I twerked on him, cheering him up, my clarinet poking out his ass got sucked in a little.

I walked over to Boris.

"Do you know something that I don't?"

"No? Why would I know something that you don't?"

I shrugged and walked away, dancing like a bellydancer!

"Did you guys go left or right from the frog?"

Donald yelled through my door

"I wasn't watching I was coconutting!" I yelled back.

This made him feel ABANDONED!!
And I felt so SAD that my Donald and my Boris didn't know what a curtain was!

"OW!! F**KUMS!" I scream as I fall off my bed into the pool.

Those numptys! They put a sloppy ploppy pool in my room next to the mannequin of Carlos my anime senpai UwU crush that likes magical cat girls and sloppy twerks!!

Those jerks!

I stomped off and ran into Boris. He pulled me into a hug and we started twerking sadly and we saw Donald kiss sofa the firsts new dad! King Roland! Sssssuch a hoe move!!

I slapped king Rolly's face, pulling him into a sloppy, moist make out session with Captain Hook and shoved him out the door.

Me, Donald and Boris hug each other nice and tight.. tho.. I cant help but notice there a smell.. and I hate that smell! I know that smell..

It smells like animal crossing and the Satan, Tom nook! Fucking squirrel, bear lookin mofo! 

He's Satan, we all know he is! Toss boy, however, Is an angel! 

And I just can't believe that a bulooga whale in a baking oven mit could fit in my ass crack!! And Donald fucking licked it!! Not my crack, that whale, you gross pervy stalker! Stop ready my thoughts and my inner monologue! Weirdo!

I want a magic wand.. fucking Boris and Linda broke my last one..

"LINDA!!!!" I heard daz yell from my room.. I guess she pegged him again. That bitch just can't keep her hands away from his bum bum!


Under the sea in a little pot of cheeky cheese, a mouse lived but then he sneezed. He was allergic to cheese and sea water.

Such a sad turn of events.

A boppo waddled info my room, spongebob waddlin after him- oh- and he's gone. Now it's just me, myself and boppo. BOPPO THE CLOWN.

I ran up a ladder, climbing away from him.

He looked up as meh bum, I jumped down and crushed him with it. But then I felt a wet, sloppy ploppy from a boppy tongue-y wung-y feeling and ran to slap spongebob!

Damn sponge..


At least he leaves soon..


He leaves soon..?

How soon?


Oh dammit! Like- 6 days!!! DUMB SPONGE!!!


That idiot used to wear a thong until he lost it! Then he started having an affair with a clarinet! The same thing that stays up his ass all day everyday! It replaced me..


Maybe if a rock shark would jump on him, the moist soggy ness of his cheeks would deflate..

I don't know..

Maybe I should kiss a scorpion..

Named Larry or somethin.. maybe a Craig..

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