Chapter 12

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(This chapter contains sex, gore and Puke.)

As Irys dropped on the ground after whispering her last words, Kronii bursted out into tears.

"Why is this happening to me?!" She screamed.

Kronii raised her sword, the sharp part of the blade facing towards her, and as she was about to end her life, a vine twirled its way about the hilt of the sword and swept it away, Kronii noticed Fauna holding her hand out, as she ushered the vine to fling Kronii's sword.

"Now now Kronii, that's bad!"

Kronii was now so weak that she had to use her remaining time blade as a walking stick.

As Kronii was stumbling her way back to the inn where she knew she would be safe, Mumei who had now regained all her strength was walking with Kronii.

"Aww come on Kronii, you can't go anywhere walking like that!" As Mumei teased Kronii, Kronii built the strength to swing her remaining blade at Mumei, luckily it had landed and Mumei flung a good few metres past where Fauna was lying.

"Mumei NOO!" Fauna worriedly said, whilst sending a few vines after her which thankfully caught Mumei before she could hit a nearby house.

As Kronii walked in to the tavern, the man aided her wounds and Kronii weakly walked up the stairs and into bed.

It was now the next morning and as Kronii took a shower in her room, and changed into some clothes, the citizens of the village made her. Kronii headed downstairs to eat breakfast in the inn.

The man who ran the whole tavern didn't seem like himself and as Kronii got up to thank him for food, another man who was in the tavern eating aswell had snuck his arms underneath Kronii's causing her unable to fight back with her own arms.

"Hey what are you doing!" She angrily said as she tried to pry him off with her back. The man had no expression and his eyes were dry.

As Kronii heard the tavern doors open, she noticed 4 people she didn't want to see ever again. Kronii glared at them, whilst grunting trying to get him off.

As Bae and Sana guarded the doors, Mumei and Fauna had approached Kronii, whilst she was still glaring daggers at them.

"Mumei I knew you were be—" As Kronii was talking, Fauna slapped her interrupting her, mid sentence.

"Oh my little warden... you've made me angry, you've hurt my precious Mumei." Fauna said in an angry tone but it gave Kronii chills because the whole time Fauna was speaking she was smiling.

"Oh well boo hoo!" Kronii said mockingly. "Fauna your such a bitch, your a crazy psychotic, BIT—"

Before Kronii could finish, Fauna had placed a white cloth over Kronii's mouth. Kronii knew what to do and held her breath Mumei wanted payback so she pinched Kronii's arm, causing her to squeak out an "ow!" Causing her to breathe in a bit of the chloroform.

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