Chapter 5

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This chapter contains gore and sex and blood

Inside they all saw a naked Kronii with a face as red as a tomato and Bae and Mumei practically on top of her.

Meanwhile with Ina, she heard a collapse and looked over to see Calli on the ground, with glass shattered everywhere and a small blood patch on the floor where Calli's head was.

"Sorry Fauna" Sana apologised.

"That's okay Sana, just do what you need to" Fauna responded.

Ina's face dropped and was about to run to Calli, but as she was about to run, she lost grip of Fauna, so Fauna summoned some vines, which coiled there way around Ina, and before she could scream a wooden tentacle like thing coiled it's way over her mouth. The thing around Ina's mouth then produced some gas forcing her to inhale it and within seconds she passed out.

As The others turned back to where Sana and Fauna was to ask why this was going on, they saw Calli passed out on the ground, and Ina strung up like a cocoon. But they didn't see Fauna or Sana.

Then Irys and Kiara heard wailing as they saw that Sana had picked both Ame and Gura up by there shirts off the ground and Fauna was gassing them with the same gas that took Ina out. As Irys and Kiara tried to make an escape, Bae and Mumei snuck up and Bae covered Irys's mouth whilst Mumei covered Kiara's mouth with chloroform, and after a while of them struggling they were out too.

After a few hours, Calli woke up, now realising she was on something cold, as she gathered her thoughts she realised she was strapped by metal cuffs on a cold metal operating table.

"Ow my head" Calli said flinching, now realising all the pain on her left top of her forehead.

She looked over and saw Ina regaining consciousness.

"Ina? Are you alright?" Calli asked sounding worried.

"Yeah I think so?" Ina groggily said. As Ina regained consciousness of her surroundings she looked right and saw Calli, her face immediately dropped when she noticed Callis head was bleeding and where the wound was her pink hair was a darker shade of pink from the blood.

"Oh my gosh!, Calli your bleeding" Ina screeched.

"I am?" Calli asked.

As Calli tilted her head back she saw Sana standing over her.

"Yeah sorry about that, I had to hit you with glass to knock you out, Senpai,"

Ina and Calli heard distant mumbling as they both looked left and saw Ame and Gura waking up.

"Ugh what happened" Gura splurted.

"Where are we?" Ame asked.

"We don't know" Ina responded.

Twisted council x KroniiOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz