Chapter 2

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This chapter contains blood and sex.

Kronii started opening her eyes.

"Ow my head hurts so much" when Kronii tried to reach for her head she realised something was stopping her. Suddenly two doors swung open, and there she was...Fauna.

"Wow Kronii you slept for two days" Fauna said amazed. "Although I shouldn't be surprised I heard that stuff is powerful, at least from the reviews I read"

Kronii was now fully awake and started to struggle, however she couldn't identify what she was struggling against.

"Don't even bother Kronii my vines are too strong" said Fauna.

"Fauna.. please don't do this, I promise it's not too late to seek help" Kronii pleaded.

"Help?... I don't need help... I just need
YOU" Fauna responded.

"Oh I forgot to mention, Mumei is coming over" Fauna said with an eerie smile

"Fauna please let me go, I promise I won't say anything to anyone" Kronii pleaded again.

"It's a little too late for that"

Fauna snapped her fingers and suddenly vines started coiling up from Kroniis ankles, up her legs and to her inner thighs.

"F-Fauna!?!?!" Kronii shrieked.

"If you move it will hurt" Fauna responded.

"What will hu—" before Kronii could finish her sentence a soft and squishy vine inserted itself into Kronii's down regions.

Kronii shrieked out in slight pain and fear, as blood was dripping down her black tights, and tears welled up into Kronii's eyes.

"Oh...I see, your a virgin, this makes it more interesting" Fauna said intrigued.

Suddenly Mumei's voice was heard coming through the door.

"Fauna you in?" Mumei shouted.

Kronii looked at Fauna, as Fauna looked in the direction of the door.

Kronii, was getting her voice ready.

"MUMEI H—" At the same time when Kronii took a breath in, Fauna clicked her fingers once again and Kronii got cut off by a vine coiling itself around her mouth.

"I'll enjoy you later, try not to make too much noise" Fauna whispered whilst looking at a scared Kronii, just the sight of seeing Kronii scared in person fills Fauna with life.

Fauna closed the doors again only letting in little rays of light coming through a window. Was Kronii in a closet.? As Kronii heard mumbling in the distance from Fauna and Mumei, the soft and squishy vine started to continue on where it started with Kronii, Kronii was letting out very muffled sighs and moans as the vine around her mouth tightened the louder she had gotten. What's even worse is the vine had a smell to it that Kronii could not help but inhale and with each breath in she took the more aroused she became.

"Fauna have you seen Kronii lately." Mumei asked Fauna, as she has not seen or heard from Kronii in a few days.

"I haven't no, I'm really sorry" Fauna replied.

"No need to apologise" Mumei said back.

Meanwhile, Kronii was struggling and was trying to catch her breath after every moan. All that was coming out was "Mu—Mei—Plea—se— help." In a very muffled tone. The vine was now easily going in and out of Kronii because of how her fluids mixed with her blood was making her more slippery.

A few hours later and Kronii kept hearing mumbling but this time it was closer.

"I'm sorry I have to do this Mumei" said Fauna.

"Do wha—" Mumei got interrupted by a sudden plant spraying some form of purple gas into her face. Mumei started coughing.

"What is this?" Mumei asked, tears in her eyes formed from how she was choking on her coughs.

"You'll see" Fauna replied with a smile.

Suddenly Mumei started to have all these thoughts pop into her head, thoughts exactly like what Fauna thinks, however it wasn't mind control, in fact this gas makes people's inner sinister side and thoughts come out and stay out.

"Oh why have I never thought of doing this before" Mumei said.

"Where is she Fauna?" Mumei asked.

"Follow me" replied Fauna.

Fauna led Mumei into where she was keeping Kronii.

Kronii saw two shadows near the cracks in the door, then with a sudden swoosh, the doors swung open to reveal Fauna but most importantly Mumei.

Kronii's eyes widen and she tries to warn Mumei. However Mumei just stood there, and didn't seem worried or scared, In fact she had a grin. A grin just like Fauna's.

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