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Jimin woke up before the lights came on. He had only gotten a few hours of sleep, staying up most of the night, really not wanting to wake 097. But he could barely keep his eyes open after a while, and he woke him up before passing out.

But now the two sat together in the darkness. Jimin tried to get 097 to fall asleep again, but he refused. So they sat up together, quiet, thinking.

"Don't die today," Jimin whispers. "If you die today I'll never forgive you."

"I'll survive," He promises. "As long as you survive too."

"I will."


"I promise."

They sit in silence a while longer. They barely move, only their fingers fidgeting. Jimin listens to the taller's breath. In, and out, and in, and out. Hearing him breathe, knowing he's alive, it comforts him. He's really content, here in the darkness. He closes his eyes, taking it all in, as much as he possibly can.

The two didn't talk again until the lights came on. The music played, and people stirred, but Jimin and 097 didn't move.

"Well, it's almost time," 097 stared at him. "May we not receive the kiss of death."

Jimin tapped him on the cheek, not a hit, but close. "Shut up. So weirdly formal in the weirdest times. Next you're gonna say your brother used to read you classic literature."

He breaks into a small smile. "No, he was busy with other things. I don't know why I talk this way. I guess I just think it's cool."

"So fucking weird 097," He huffs out a laugh. "You are so fucking weird."

"Well, you're stuck with me for a few more days at least," 097 pokes his side. "You promised."

"Yeah alright, I'll keep you around I guess," Jimin rolls his eyes playfully. "If I have to."

"You like me," 097 teases. "You're happy you met me."

"I was tired when I said that."

"That's always your excuse!"

"You're being too playful," Jimin's eyes harden. "A bunch of people in here are dying."

"Fine, I'll clam down," His voice softens. "You don't have to be embarrassed~"

"I'm not," He pushes him, hopping out of bed. "Fuck you."

"Aw, come on," 097 follows.

"The fourth game will begin momentarily," And just like that, it was time to go. "All players, follow staff's instructions and proceed to the game hall."

"It never gets easier," 097 sighs.

"Of course it doesn't," The shorter mumbles. "When has narrowly avoiding death been easy to deal with?"

"Yeah..." 097 reconsiders. "I guess you're right."

"Innocent piece of shit."

097 lets out another sigh, this one deeper, sadder. "I wish I was 136. I wish I was."

The two of them get in line with the remaining 48 players. No one had been killed last night.

Jimin was thankful for it, thankful he was safe for a few hours. He never wanted to be put in that situation again. He shudders just thinking of the events from that night.

The line is so short, Jimin realizes, when they're all bunched up together. There really aren't many people left...the money is practically in his hand at this point. He starts to get excited.

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