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They woke the players the same way as yesterday. It made sense, if there was one thing Jimin had learned about this place, it's that it was structured. Everything was perfect essentially. The soldiers stood straight, and walked in step for step with one another. The players were dressed the same, every place Jimin has been has been clean. Everyone and everything were always in their places.

The only chaos...was the players themselves.

It was the exact same thing this morning, probably at the same time. Except, now instead of annoyed confusion, the deep pit of anxious dread slowly seeped into his belly.

He felt nauseous, the butterflies fighting in his stomach, bouncing around the walls. He willed the vomit to stay down, taking a deep breath. He wasn't going to throw up, he couldn't.

To be completely honest, it was one of his biggest fears.

Though, in this context, throwing up didn't seem that scary. He might be dead by the end of the day. He'd rather vomit come out of him than blood.

"Rise and shine 136," 097 peaks down into Jimin's bed. "Welcome back to the nightmare."

"I thought nightmares were supposed to be while you sleep," Jimin grumbles, rubbing his eyes.

"Well, everything is screwed up here," 097 extends his hand to pull Jimin up. Jimin takes it, and practically flies to his feet. Even the hand that grasped his was strong.

Maybe he was lucky to have a partner like him.

"You don't say," He huffs sarcastically, walking down the steps. "I thought we were in Disneyland."

"I wish we were in Disneyland, I've always wanted to go," 097 catches up to him, smiling a small smile. "Who knows, maybe if we both win we can go together. I've heard Disneyland Tokyo was particularly wonderful."

"I don't want to go anywhere with you," The smaller shuts him down. "Once I get out of here, with all this money, I'm never going to see you or anyone else here ever again. I'll move to Finland, or Switzerland, or New Zealand. Anywhere else, as long as it's not Korea."

"I see," He nods, but Jimin isn't so convinced there isn't something going on inside his head. "I was hoping I could make a friend out of this. It'll make things in here easier."

"I..." That didn't sound completely crazy. "Friends are a waste of time."

"Not here," 097 argues. "Here, the relationships you make could literally keep you alive, keep your fight alive."

"Oh ew you are not using the friendship is magic shit," Jimin looks at him with a shudder. "This isn't a kids cartoon. Friendship won't solve shit."

"I don't know about that," He shrugs. "Having personal relationships with others is statistically good for survival."

"Oh well aren't you the scientist or whatever," Jimin rolls his eyes. "It's not the case for me, and that's not gonna change. I don't need a friend, just a partner."

"A partner who's relationship with you has and will continue to help you survive," 097 points out. "Just admit it, we click. We're becoming friends."


097 sighs. "Alright for now. I have a feeling that'll change really soon though."

"It won't," He glares. "I don't like you."

"You do," He corrects, and Jimin hates that he's kind of right. "I guess I'll have to be patient then. I guess I'll have to survive long enough for you to admit it."

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