Dilapidated Kingdom

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Glass crunches under my toes
Your unmoving body answers not to my calls,
I come and go
From this dragons enclosure,
Holding captive the face in which I enthrall
Memories of our past lay me awake
Those sleepless nights we spent staring at the stars,
Long nights we cannot remake
Your soft lips stuck in a dull rosy curve,
Smooth and filled with reminisce of the both of ours
I ponder if life were like Sleeping Beauty
You would awaken again with a gentle smile,
The greetings of a love filled unity
The dragon that held you in slumber would dissipate,
I would celebrate in success of our trail
Unlike our feeble attempts of freedom
That dragon had come to life,
That dragon kept you from my kingdom
That dragon slayed our hopes,
It's unwavering torment became our new strife

[2021-Creative Writing]

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