Book Three: Chapter 9

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Inside the chamber, known as a bouleuterion, thirteen divine beings sat on stone row seats, looking down upon Roger. Being the only human standing at the center, his throat turned dry. At least Katina, Cilla, and Labda stood behind him.

            All the gods have glowing eyes and different hair colors that seemed to match their powers. The only god who wasn’t present was Hades. He has major matters to deal with in the Underworld, but soon he will arrive before the Giants come. 

"Greetings, mortal," said Zeus, raising up. "You are Roger, I presume."

Roger nodded while rubbing his left arm. “Yes, sir.”

“Do not address my husband as sir!” The purple-haired woman, Hera, pointed her finger at Roger. “You will only call him by his name!”

Roger gulped, feeling goosebumps crawling up his spine. How was he supposed to know how to address the gods without insulting them?

Zeus laughed and rubbed his wife’s shoulder. “No need to be aggrieved for me, my love. This mortal came from a time that has forgotten about us.”

Hera widened her glowing purple eyes. “How is that possible!?”

“Never mind that. I need to know how Medusa managed to kill my son. Let him explain everything before we will discuss our own problem.”

Hera shrugged and glared at Roger. “Speak, mortal. Do not waste our time!”

Indeed, Roger didn’t plan to waste anyone’s time. From the beginning, he explained what he already told Zeus, including how Medusa ambushed Heracles. Hera cringed each time she heard his name.

After Roger finished, the gods and goddesses muttered to each other hastily. Their tones sounded very unpleasant.

"This is never in the prophecy!" Athena shouted, wearing a golden helmet and purple robes that sealed her figure. "What hope do we have against Medusa and the Giants? She is supposed to be dead!"

"It's your fault for turning her into a monster," Katina recalled.

Athena pointed her staff at the Cerberus. "Quiet, beast! The gods are speaking now! Learn your place!"

Katina snarled until Roger rubbed her arm. Nobody came into the council to start a fight.

"Without Heracles, what should we do?" Hermes asked.

Ares, a large muscled man with a black helmet on, rose and raised his spear up. His deep voice echoed like a machine. "I say damn with the prophecy! We can fight the Giants and leave their entrails across the land!"

A goddess with long pink hair giggled with her hand over her mouth. Her beauty was extremely breathtaking with flawless makeup and her white dress revealed most of her unblemished skin. Her legs stood out, and her large cleavage hung for the entire world to see. "You are so silly, Ares."

The God of War giggled back like a little boy in front of his crush.

"The Fates said if we fight, we will fall," said Zeus. "But I do not intend to surrender our power to that wretched earth goddess."

Ares shook his spear. "Do you suggest we should run like cowards with tails between our legs!?"

Zeus grimaced. "We can survive if we run, but the Giants will conquer our mountain. However, sacrificing our home could ensure our survival."

"But they will hunt us down like wolves," said Artemis, a green-haired woman holding a bow. "Surrendering is not a reasonable option."

Ares tapped his spear. "Then we stay and fight! I whether die than hide under a cart!"

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