Chapter 19

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note: The last two chapters will be from a third-person pov.

They are lying on Yoohan's bed hugging each other as Yoohan rests his head on Sunwoo's chest listening to his heart which is still beating so fast and a smile makes its way to his lips. "This is the first time I have seen your room. It screams Oh Yoohan" Sunwoo said and Yoohan looks at him with a confused expression. "Well it's messy but cosy, the books are scattered but the family photos are lined up so nicely. The guitar gets its own space with a chair but your clothes are piled up in a corner you didn't even bother to get a laundry basket. How do you even carry those to the laundry room?" Sunwoo asked. 

"Are you saying I'm dirty?" Yoohan asked widening his eyes but Sunwoo just laughs in response.

Yoohan looks at the laughing boy and can't help but kiss him. He lifts his body with one hand and puts the other one on Sunwoo's beating heart taking his own sweet time. He smiles when Sunwoo's heartbeat gets faster under his palm liking how he can make his roommate's heart race. The kiss slowly deepens as their hands explore each other and just when Yoohan is about to pull back Sunwoo bites his lower lip a bit hard making Yoohan hiss in pain and his eyes widen in shock. He then slowly lets go of the lip and licks it before smiling. His eyes are dark as the moonless night shining with mischief.

"And that's for punching me," Sunwoo says smiling widely.

"Maybe I was wrong. You are not such a gentleman after all" Yoohan says still a little taken aback by Sunwoo's action. His lip has turned deep red because of the bite and seems to have swollen a little. Sunwoo puts his hand on Yoohan's face and starts massaging the swollen lip with his thumbs, making circles.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to bite so hard. You have no idea how difficult it was for me to resist every time you came close to me. But now suddenly I get to hold you in my arms I don't know how to react maybe that's why I lost control for a second. I'm sorry" Sunwoo apologized his eyes filled with guilt his thumb still moving in circles on Yoohan's lips.

Yoohan holds his hand and places a kiss on his palm. "Choi Sunwoo, you are one dangerous man," Yoohan says smiling fondly and hugging Sunwoo.

The next day Yoohan wakes up to the smell of honey-covered pancakes, coffee and his favourite freshly baked cookies. He opens his eyes and Sunwoo is sitting on one knee with a plate of cookies, smiling at him. He scrunched his brows still confused, he sits up and looks at the plate and there is a heart-shaped cookie in the middle with a small paper flag that says
"Will you play with me today?"

He looks at the rest of the cookies and all of them have different shapes. One is in the shape of the tower they visited together for the first time, the other one is a boat representing the harbourside where Sunwoo got jealous after seeing Yoohan with Minho for the first time and started to realize his feelings, there's one shaped as guitar which Yoohan loves to play and one looks like a starry night their first kiss. Yoohan smiles widely realising the meaning behind those different cookies and seeing the small heart-shaped cookie in the middle, he gets teary-eyed. Taking a deep breath Yoohan looks at Sunwoo still smiling ear to ear he asks 

"Choi Sunwoo, are you asking me on a date with a plate of cookies?" Yoohan asked raising his eyebrows.

Sunwoo reaches out to hold Yoohan's hands between his palms. He looks down at their hands and smiles, "I never realized your hands were so small, look at how they perfectly fit between mine" Sunwoo says. "No, they are not" Yoohan pouts and Sunwoo chuckles. "So, will you go on a date with me?" Sunwoo asks and Yoohan hugs him.

"Yes, Yes, I will."

"Now stop crying and get ready we have a lot of places to visit," Sunwoo says pulling away. "I AM NOT CRYING" Yoohan replies before stuffing the pancake in his mouth.
"I will go get ready, finish it fast and see me outside in an hour," Sunwoo tells him and places a soft kiss on his nose before walking out. Yoohan grabs a pillow and screams into it as soon as the door closes. He starts jumping on his bed face lit up with the brightest smile, this continues for a good five minutes before he gets back to his breakfast.

They spent the rest of the day visiting their favourite places.
"I want to make new happy memories with you at the places where I saw you with him so that whenever you walk past these places you don't sigh or feel sad," Sunwoo told Yoohan when they visited the café where Minho kept kissing Yoohan and Sunwoo saw them. "Aww are you jealous?" Yoohan teases Sunwoo but the other ignores.

"How come the day is already coming to end? Didn't we just wake up?" Yoohan complains. They are standing at the top of the tower. They have come to watch the sunset, the place where it all started. Holding hands they stand beside each other and Yoohan lays his head on Sunwoo's shoulder as the sun slowly starts to set and the sky is covered in all shades of orange and pink. No matter how many times they watch the sunset from here, its beauty always takes their breath away. Sunwoo turns to Yoohan and holds his other hand. Yoohan looks at him confused but Sunwoo keeps staring at their hands as he slowly draws circles on Yoohan's hand.

"Yoohan-aah" Sunwoo finally looks up at Yoohan who is already looking at him, he takes a deep breath and speaks again, "Yoohan-aah, I had promised myself that I would never fall for anyone again. You see, no matter how much I tried people have only let me down my whole life. My father, my best friend, who said he loved me but then walked away and left me for getting bullied. I hated everyone, the only reason I still keep going is because I have my mother and Hyemi. They picked me up whenever I fell so I thought I would be fine without love and I was. But then you came into my life. I still don't understand how or why I started to like you and I don't care anymore all I know is that even if you decide to walk away from me one day I will stand here waiting for you. I want to be with you. I want to hug you whenever I want, I want to kiss you goodnight and hold you so that you never have a nightmare again. I want to be happy and live my life day by day without worrying about the future. So, Oh Yoohan, will you be my boyfriend?"

There is a long silence and a tear rolls down Yoohan's cheek, he opens his mouth to say something but closes it as he is too overwhelmed by this sudden confession, so he just nods before crashing his lips on Sunwoo's.



Hope everyone who has been reading this story till now enjoyed it. Thanks for giving my story a chance I love you guys.

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