Chapter 18

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Yoohan's Pov

"GOD I MUST BE GOING CRAZY!!" I shout. I have been lying in my bed thinking about what happened this morning. I can't believe I kissed Sunwoo. What was I even thinking? I haven't even gotten over Minho yet and I am going around kissing my friend? I check the time and it is 6 pm, how long was I asleep? I sigh and get up to take a shower when I hear the main door opening and closing.

'Did he go out?' I say out loud and walk into the shower. I need to calm myself and think this through before talking to Sunwoo. Once I am done taking a shower I go out to the kitchen.

" Sunwoo-ya" I call him from the kitchen, but there is no response. I walk to his door and knock but he doesn't answer. This is odd; he is not a heavy sleeper. I take out my phone from my pocket and call him but his phone is off. I try a few more times without any luck. Where is this boy? How can he turn off his phone when he is out? I am getting worried. Did something happen to his mom? But won't he keep his phone on if that were the case? What if his dad snapped? What if he did something to himself? No, he said he has not had those thoughts for a long time. My mind I going crazy as my thoughts get louder. My heart is beating at the speed of a bullet train against my chest. All sorts of scenarios are running through my mind.

Did he go to the library? He usually turns off his phone when he is in the library. I decide to rush to the library. I am walking up the hill, frantically looking around the street for him and my eyes fall on the café we frequently visit and there he is, hugging Ashley.
I don't know why but I want to punch him right now. How can he be so irresponsible? He could have left a note if he was going out with her. I take a deep breath before walking back home. It feels weird to worry about him like this. I just want to go back home and sleep. I feel emotionally drained and as much as I want to fight with Sunwoo over this I don't seem to have the energy. I go back to sleep as soon as I reach home.

"Yoohan" I hear a soft knock but I don't want to get up. The knocks continue and I give up. Walking to the door sloppily the image of Sunwoo hugging Ashley in the café crosses my mind and suddenly I am fully awake. I still feel angry but I don't want to get into an argument so I take a few deep breaths before opening the door. He is wearing one of his black hoodies that makes his black eyes shine even more. He looks tired and hesitant with his head bowed down.

"Do you want something?" I ask coldly.
" just thought we should talk-" he trails off once he raises his head to finally look me in the eyes.
"Why don't you talk to Ashley? I am sure she has all the answers" I try to shut the door but he holds my wrist.
"Wait! What are you talking about?" he asks confused.
"I called you but your phone was off. Do you have any idea how worried I was? I kept having these terrible thoughts so I thought I should check if you were in the library but you know what I saw on my way there? You were hugging her in the café" I shake his hand off me.

"I was losing my mind here because you won't answer your phone and did not even leave a note or anything but it looked like you were having a great time with her. So how about you talk to her instead?" I am shouting at this point and Sunwoo looks shocked at my sudden outburst.
"I...I...was just...talking to her about us," he says.

"Then go and talk to her I am sure she will tell you what I am thinking and give my answers as well" with that I shut the door. Now that I think about it, it wasn't Ashley whom I disliked it was the fact that Sunwoo never opened up with me or talked to me the way he did with Ashley. I still remember that day when I came back home and he was talking to her about me.

*Flashback to a month ago*

"I don't know why he keeps going back to that asshole," Sunwoo said to Ashley. They were sitting in the living room.
"It is not easy to let go of someone you like. And Yoohan still believes that he can change" she replied.
"People like him never change. I hate seeing Yoohan crying like that. It makes me want to tear that jerk into pieces but I feel helpless" Sunwoo said.
"I feel bad too, he is my friend too but he is a grown-up man we cannot make his decisions for him. We can only be there to support him" Ashley says and Sunwoo paces across the room.
"I know that, but I don't understand why he keeps going back to him. Should I just tell him I hate that and I want him to stop seeing him?" he asks
"Why don't you just tell him that you like him?" Ashley said. "You know you never got angry enough to rip my boyfriend apart when he cheated on me. I am little hurt you know? Anyways all I am saying is that you should just confess to Yoohan, that way at least he will know he has someone better who is waiting for him" she continued.
"What are you two doing?" I ran into the living room smiling.

*End of flashback*

I have known about his feelings for a month now and I would be lying if I said I never felt something but I needed time. I was already having a tough time with Minho and then finding out Sunwoo's feelings, it was too overwhelming. But I liked how he was always there waiting for me at the door and his warm hugs when I slept in his room, I liked how he always fed me no matter how much I resisted and his occasional laughs at my silly jokes. He has just been there this whole time and his presence made me happy, it made me forget about Minho faster than I had imagined. I am still uncertain about my feelings but I want to hold his hand and walk down the street something I never felt comfortable about with Minho. I might not know these feelings yet but I want to explore them with him.

I sigh and pick up my guitar, my fingers move lazily over the strings. I notice a small note slide under my door and I pick it up.

"I am sorry for hurting you and making you uncomfortable. I will look for a new place and move out. I am sorry"

It took me a few seconds to realize what was written on the note. I crumple the piece of paper and storm to the kitchen. He is sitting standing by the window; I grab him by the collar and punch him as hard as I could. He falls to the ground, eyes widened mouth agape and his lip starts to bleed. I jump over him and grab his collar again.
"Are you testing me right now?" I shout. He stays quiet. "Is this all you can do? Run away from me? I kissed you yesterday; did you think it was a drunk mistake? Is that what you think of me? Someone who goes around kissing everyone when drunk? I am just going to say it once so listen carefully, Choi Sunwoo, I like you. I don't know since when or how much. Do I like you enough to fight the world for you? I don't know but I like you enough to kiss you in the middle of the street and not care about people staring. So don't you dare disappear on me after making me fall for you" I sighed closing my eyes and slowly bringing my forehead down and resting it on his forehead. I open my eyes again after calming down.

I look into his eyes and his brows knitted together in confusion. 

" Sunwoo-yaa, don't leave me," I say before pressing my lips on his and just like that the world feels like a better place.

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