Chapter 4

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*At University*


I enter the room; it's small with just one round table and around 15 chairs placed evenly around it. I didn't know what to expect. When I first found out the class will be divided into small groups I was a little nervous but now that I have finally come here my nervousness is shooting off the roof. I am shaking my legs as I see others enter the room and after 5 mins Minho enter, our eyes meet each other and a huge smile appears on his face and it immediately makes me feel a little calm. I smile at him and he comes around the table and sits with me. "Hey," he says settling in his seat. "Hi," I say still shaking my legs. "Don't be nervous. You're going to be just fine and I'm right here" he says looking straight into my eyes and for some reason, all my nervousness melts away and I feel that assurance in his eyes transfer to my body and giving me confidence. I nod and smile at him. We discuss about rest of the classes and turns out we'll be sharing all our classes. My mood is automatically elevated upon this information.
We end up going to a nearby café after our classes end. Minho is telling me about his family and often asks about me, I tell him everything except the name of my family. "I had a girlfriend, but we broke up a few months back," he says out of the blue. He then says out loud "I'm bisexual, I just want you to know" to which I just nod, "Oh, I didn't know" I finally say. "Why did you break up, if you don't mind me asking?" I ask as politely as I could. He just shrugged and said they didn't feel it anymore. I didn't know how to respond to that, maybe I am old fashioned, but I believe in love and never understand the whole 'we don't feel the same anymore' one of my boyfriends in the past broke up with me for this reason and I was left heartbroken for months. So his reply made me re-think my decision to go on a date with him. 'It's just a date and didn't you say you wanted to explore everything? Also, it's not like you have feelings for him. Just go for it and if you see this not working out, just tell him. You will still have a good friend here.' I give myself a short pep talk before nodding my head again. "I am asking about you. Have you ever had a boyfriend? Or girlfriend?" Minho asks again. "oh....sorry I was thinking about something," I say brushing off my thoughts and continuing with a sad voice "well I am only interested in men so no girlfriend but I have had 2 boyfriends and the second one broke up with me cuz he also didn't feel it anymore."
"I'm sorry to hear that. It looks like you are still hurt" he says "No, don't worry about it. I am fine it's still a good memory for me and I am happy that he didn't cheat on me like the first one" I say laughing. "Maybe I am too much to handle," I say shrugging. "I don't think so," he says with another reassuring smile and I can't help but admire his beautiful smile, as his long hair falls on his forehead, his brown eyes lighting up. A faint smile appears on my face and suddenly Sunwoo's face crosses my mind and I realize I have to run home and help him with cooking I also promised to take him around. I get up like my ass was on fire, I'm not even exaggerating I can still make friends here but from the looks of it, I have to accompany my shy roommate for some time so that he gets used to this new place fast. Minho is shocked at my sudden reaction and looks at me all confused. "I'm sorry I have to rush back to the dorms, it promised to help my roommate cook," I say hurriedly pick my bag and putting the money on the table for coffee. He just nods; I pick up the remaining donut put it in my mouth and run towards the door, he is again looking at me with that amusing look on his face which makes me feel like I am some new species he has seen for the first time but in a good way. I am not making sense, am I? I ask myself and the answer is a big no.
I stand outside the café looking at Minho who is looking back at me I give him a smile with the donut still in my mouth and wave a goodbye and he waves back and laughs a lil with that I turn around and leave.


Yoohan isn't home yet I realize as soon as I enter the apartment. There's always some noise when he is home. I put my things in my room and walk into the kitchen when the main door opens. Here comes the devil, I think to myself. " SUNWOO-YAAAAAAAAAA" he screams as soon he comes to the kitchen and I close my eyes trying not to get irritated at his high pitched voice. "You are back," I say turning towards him and he nods happily. I hate it how I can't get mad at him all because of his smile. "I'm making ramen, let's go out after eating," I say and jumps in front of me and says "WAAH! Our Sunwoo is finally talking and wants to hang out. I'm so happy" smiling from ear to ear. I take two steps back glaring at him and he realizes I don't like closeness with others, he slowly steps back too apologizing.
We finish eating and leave the apartment. We decide to go to the nearby park. I have no idea where it is, but Yoohan seems to know this city so I quietly follow him. We are walking quietly. It has only been a few days since I came here so everything is still very new to me and beautiful as well. It only took us 5mins to reach the park. Turns out it is on the street behind our building. The park is made on a hill there is a big tower at the top of the hill. The sun is about to set we can see the entire city from here. It looks beautiful. Yoohan suddenly grabs my hand and take me towards the tower. There are a few people walking inside, but I am not too sure, it's a small tower and doesn't seem to have lights inside. "Are you sure, you want to inside" I stop and ask him and he assures me that it's going to be fine. So I follow him. He guides me inside the tower the stairs are steep and too small; there isn't even enough space for two people to pass each other unless there is a turn. It's almost suffocating there is no light as I expected, whatever visibility we have is through the sun that is still up. I walk cautiously, but a lil fast at the same time, I have never been in such small places so I need to breathe. We finally reach at the top and I feel a better seeing light.
We walk towards the balcony. Yoohan was right it is indeed beautiful from here. The sun has finally started to set the sky has turned orange; the shade of orange is a little darker near the sun. I look down at the city, the water shines and boats are line up on the right that must be harbour side Yoohan told me about, there are also colourful houses lined up which give the city a lively vibe. I look straight ahead and there is at the end there is nothing but huge green fields, which seem very calming for some reason. On the left, the first thing you notice is the Wills Memorial building. It belongs to the university. It stands out the most and other old English style buildings which gives you the real feeling of being in England. The whole scene is simply breathtaking.
"Do you know photographers always come here just to capture this beautiful sunset and the beauty of this city" Yoohan says beside me. I had completely forgotten about Yoohan for a second, I was too busy admiring the beauty that lies in front of me. My eyes widen as I realize we are still holding hands. I shake his hand away and step away from him. He looks confused and then smiles. "Sunwoo-ya, I don't think my closeness makes you uncomfortable we had been holding hands for almost ten minutes," he says smirking. " see..." I try to answer back but I don't know what to say and he just chuckles. " Sunwoo-ya, we have to live together for a long time and I don't want you to be yourself around me. I am happy that I make you feel comfortable. Thanks for trusting me" he says smiling and his eyes shining brightly, in the sunset. His caramel eyes got a shade lighter and I feel something tugging at my heart as I look into his eyes and his genuine and beautiful smile, which for some reason makes me want to trust him.

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