Chapter 6

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Walking around the area I finally find my way to the harbourside Yoohan has been telling me about. It's a beautiful place, a small river in the middle of the city. I am standing in front of the stairs, water flowing down the steps, this is where it ends. I look ahead and the river seems to get bigger ahead. It seems like the river was stopped here by constructing the roads and buildings around the area. There are buildings on both side of the river on the right there are pubs and restaurants, on the left, it seems are houses or offices. Both sides look like two different worlds, one side is filled with lights and music people singing and dancing, the other side is quiet with dim lights and people walking quietly.
Boats are lined up in the water ahead. There is also a boat restaurant, which looks pretty. It's small lit with fairy lights, bulbs and a few chairs and tables placed neatly at the top. It's so weird how just a few lights and dark night can make something that looks just like any other street or building look so beautiful. That's why I always like going out at night. Nights make everything look beautiful and calm.

I turn around and look at the empty space almost the same size as the river, with nothing but a statute and one or two food trucks. There is a man playing "I'm yours" on his guitar singing along the song from his portable speaker, people around him singing and dancing with him. This city sure is livelier at night; there is calm even in these loud noises. 'Ah, so this is what feels like to be in a different country with a different culture. 'It feels good', I say to myself.

I turn again and start to walk down the steps on the right side of the river. I make my way between people who are drunk, there is someone throwing up on the side. 'Huh! Well, drunk people are all the same no matter where you go' I sigh and keep walking. I reach in front of a small bridge over the river. The steel railing of the bridge is filled with love locks. It seems like every city has a place like this after all. If only a lock could make your love last.

My stomach growls so I walk towards the restaurants. I am glancing through the glass windows as I walk to find a place where people are eating quietly instead of getting drunk. I need peace while eating. I freeze when I see Yoohan kissing that boy through one of the windows. I don't know why but the sight of him kissing his date makes me lose my mind that's when I notice the boy putting his hand under Yoohan's shirt. My eyes widen and I clench my fists. Thankfully Yoohan stopped him and pulled back, but I'm still feeling angry. I knew he was going on a date and people kiss when they go on dates, then why am I getting angry?

I come back home without eating. I don't know why but I lost my appetite as soon as I saw Yoohan with that boy. I am lying on the sofa in the living room mindlessly changing channels on the TV, I don't even know what's playing on which channel, finally the main door opens and I immediately sit straight, turning on some news channel on the TV.
"Hey, you are still awake?" Yoohan asks as soon as he enters. "What? Oh....hmmm, yeah. I was work- I mean I just couldn't sleep." I fumbled my words. He nods and sits beside me. "What are you watching?" he asks. "Nothing, actually I was just going to sleep," I tell him getting up. "But you said you couldn't sleep" he states, looking confused. "TV isn't helping so I'll just go and read something. Reading helps me sleep. Good night" I say hastily and run to my room.

"Wow, Choi Sunwoo, just wow. You are a total loser. What happened to that cold guy who wouldn't even let his first love get to his head? And now this boy you have known for only 10 days is affecting you so much? Get a grip you punk" I scold myself loudly after shutting the door. I go to sleep promising myself not to let something like this happen again. I should just keep my distance from Yoohan, just because we live together doesn't mean we have to be friends. Let's avoid him from now on, were my last thoughts before I fell into a deep slumber.

It's Sunday and I am already awake. Why can't I just sleep in for one day? Well, there is no use sulking over it, I can't fix my insomnia and stress level anyways, so, what's the point in sulking over it so early in the morning? Let's just go for a run, have breakfast and go explore the town.

I make breakfast for Yoohan too; the boy can't cook to save his life. I am done getting ready and step out of the room, "where are you going so early in the morning?" Yoohan asks and I halt. He looks sleepy even though he just woke up. I stare at him, his eyes half-open, hair dishevelled, his lips pouting and his deep morning voice making my heart beat so fast I don't know how to react. "Where are you going?" he asks again moving closer, blinking his eyes trying to look properly and my heart is begging me to just hug him, but my mind is telling me to run away and stay out of trouble. So, I do what anyone would do in this situation, I turn around and quickly go back to my room, shutting the door loudly (not intentionally) behind me.

'This will not work, I need to get my act together,' I tell myself taking my shoes off and going back to bed. " Sunwoo-ya, do you want to go out?" Yoohan shouts from outside my room after an hour. In the meantime, I called mom, thankfully she is doing fine and dad hasn't hit her ever since I have come here. I hear loud knocks before he speaks again, " Sunwoo-yaaaa" I roll my eyes and get up from the bed. "Choi Sunwoo, he is not your first love or something, stop acting like a teenager. Let's get over it, you have to live with him for a whole year" I say to myself standing in front of the mirror and take a deep breath before opening the door.

We went out to look around the town; the street art here is beautiful. I had heard Bristol is famous for its street art but seeing it, in reality, makes all the difference. Banksy also comes from Bristol and the fact that he started as a graffiti artist in these very streets make this whole experience just something I could only dream of a few months back. We walked around some more, had lunch and then went to check out the libraries. We went grocery shopping on our way back and ended up having dinner outside too. I washed everything before putting it in the fridge meanwhile Yoohan took a shower. We ended up watching TV till late because our classes don't start till the afternoon.

I'm lying in my bed thinking about everything we did today. I would be lying to myself if I said my heart didn't beat faster every time he was too close to me, but oddly enough although his closeness made my heart go crazy it never made me uncomfortable like others. I really need to move on from this crush I can't ruin this friendship I am developing for the first time in my life after Hyemi. I sigh and go to sleep telling myself for the 856497th time to not think about Yoohan more than a friend.

*One Month Later*

" Sunwoo-ya, open the door. CHOI SUNWOO, OPEN THE DOOR. ARE YOU SLEEPING?? IT'S ONLY 1 AM HOW CAN YOU SLEEP?" I wake up to Yoohan constantly banging on my door and screaming at the top of his lungs. I panic and rush outside only to find him drunk out of his mind. He hugs me as soon as he sees me and I freeze, my breath caught in my throat. I am still trying to get used to his closeness even after two months of living together but he has never hugged me before so I don't know how to react. I am still standing here frozen with this sudden gesture while Yoohan clutches to me like his life depends on it. I recover from it fast and help him stand up properly. " Sunwoo-ya, you have a nice body" he says staring at my bare upper body. My eyes widen at the realization and I scold myself in my head for not wearing a shirt. Yoohan giggles at my reaction, "don't be shy we are both men and it's not like this is the first time I am seeing you shirtless" he says smiling ear to ear. I roll my eyes at his remark. I put on a shirt and take him to the living room.

I make him sit on the couch and hand him a glass of water. I drag a chair and sit in front of him, tears roll down his eyes as soon as I sit. I am shocked and don't know what to say. I tap his shoulder and try and it only makes him cry harder. "Fuck it," I say and move to the couch. I hug him and he sniffles, I have been avoiding him but seeing him like this breaks my heart. 'Does he feel lonely? Is he homesick?' I ask myself trying to figure out why he is crying. I should have taken care of him properly he is someone who has been pampered his whole life. How can I be so selfish and avoid him? I keep blaming myself while waiting for him to stop crying and tell me why he is crying. But when he finally calms down after some time, the words that leave his mouth leaves me shocked to the point I thought I was having hallucinations. He pulls away, looks me into the eyes and says "Should I just sleep with you?"

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