Chapter 9

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I think one of the reasons I am angry at Yoohan, is because I have been in a similar relationship. I still remember my first boyfriend, he was afraid to acknowledge our relationship even in front of his friends and when I confronted him one day he said, he already had a girlfriend and he just wanted to try dating a boy. I can never forget his face. He crushed whatever belief I had left in love after seeing my dad.

I don't want Yoohan to be miserable over a relationship; he will not be able to handle it. But I can't make his decisions for him or even say anything about his relationship, it's his personal matter. I should just let him handle it but if he comes to me one more time, I am not letting him go to that guy again.

I look outside the window and the sky is getting orange, I can't believe I spent the entire night staring at him and worrying about him. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me. "Are you feeling better?" I ask him and his eyes widen in shock. He bolts upright in the bed and looks at me confused. "Why are you here?" he asks. "I think you should ask why are YOU here," I tell him. He looks around and then at me again. "This isn't my room, it is way too clean," he replies. I sigh and get up from the chair.

"It is my room. You barged in here drunk, your shirt was all dirty so I changed it for you. I am going out for a coffee, I couldn't sleep thanks to someone" I tell him and walk out. "Wait" I hear him shout behind me but I don't listen. I thought all night and as much as I want to be there for him, I can't. I can't put my feelings aside anymore he has been affecting me too much lately and I can't get distracted over a crush I have on some guy right now, mom is waiting for me. So I have decided that I will try my best to avoid him.
I grab a hot chocolate from the nearby cafe I want to sleep so I avoid coffee and go to the library. He doesn't have any classes in the morning so I'll just go and sleep at the library for some time. There is a small rest area with mattresses and blankets in the library. I have a feeling I will be spending quite some time here.

I have not seen Yoohan for a week already. But lately, I have been paying more attention to the sounds in this house; his presence is not something I can run away from. I always hear his guitar in the evening and his laughs whenever he is watching something on TV, not to mention the way he rummages through the kitchen to find something to eat. I make sure I cook enough for the two of us or else he'll be starving or eating all sorts of unhealthy food and the way screams happily when he sees finds out I have cooked for him. I think he finally sorted out things with that guy.

My phone rings. It's a text message from Yoohan. Thankfully he hasn't knocked on my door or even called me until now.


"Hey, my brother came to pick me up this morning. I will be staying with him in London for Christmas break. Hope you don't feel too lonely. Don't just work and go out. I will call you later :)"

It's already winter break I can't believe time really flies. My heart sinks a little knowing he will not be here for Christmas. I look at the big dolphin plushie and the box of Yoohan's favourite chocolates I bought for him. I know I am avoiding him but I was planning to cook his favourite meal for Christmas and maybe go out for a night stroll. I will have to keep them with me I guess. What was I even thinking, buying all this?

"Ok. Have fun." I text him back.

I sigh and get up to find something to eat. These are going to be the longest two weeks of my life. Ever since Yoohan went to stay with his brother I have had the same routine. Going out for a jog early morning, having breakfast, cleaning the already clean house and I end up cooking extra dinner which I have to eat for breakfast. I really need to go out.
So today I will go out and get my mind off of my roommate. I cannot go on like this. I have come to a nearby club. I am sitting at the bar when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and there is a girl standing behind me smiling ear to ear.

"Are you alone?" she asks. I nod. She sits next to me.

We talk for a while then she grabs my hand and takes me to the dance floor. I am very awkward. I just came to drink, dancing is not my thing. I slowly move to the bar again and she follows behind. She tries to kiss me and I refuse. She is too drunk, should I leave her here? I get up from my chair and look around but it seems like she came alone. I sigh and look at her. I can't leave here like this, she looks like she will pass out any minute now.

"Did you come with your friends? Where are they?" I ask her, no reply. I shake her a little. "Get a grip. Where are your friends?" I ask again. "I don't have any" she replies sloppily and smiles. "Do you know, you are very handsome?" she says and I don't know what to say. "I just wanted to have one peaceful day" I mutter under my breath. "Let's get you home," I say putting her hand around my shoulder and making her stand up.

"Where do you live?" I ask her. "In a building I guess" she replies. I take a deep breath trying to control anger. Why do I always have to be the one to get stuck in such situations? "Hey, I am taking you to my dorm since it is not safe on the streets at night. Ok?" I ask her no reply. I slap her face lightly a few times to get her attention and repeat myself. "Ohhhh will you kiss me at the dorm?" she asks and I just roll my eyes.

Once we reach the dorm I help her lay on the living room couch grab a water bottle and leave it on the table. Yoohan is always begging for water after getting drunk. So I think she'll need it too.
I hear the doorbell ring, who could it be? Did Yoohan forget his keys again? But he is in London. I look at my phone and it's already 10 am. I get up in a hurry and run to the main door. I open the door it's the girl from last night. She has changed into new clothes and she looks completely sober now. But when did she leave and why is he back? I stare at her in confusion.

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