Chapter 8

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"How come you are drunk again? Where were you all day? You have to tell me what's wrong else I'm walking out of this house right now and not coming back" I tell him in frustration. He can't go around getting drunk alone just because he has relationship issues. What if something happened to him? I can't help but think of all the bad things that could have happened and it only makes me furious.

"Choi Sunwoo, you can't leave me too" he replies. He will start crying any minute now; I can hear it in his voice. I take a deep breath and take him inside. After putting him to sleep in my bed I walk out to the living room and lay on the sofa. When did I sign up for babysitting? I thought to myself before falling asleep.
My back is killing me; I hardly got any sleep last night. I kept waking up partially because of this sofa and partially because of the boy sleeping in my room. I sigh at the thought of him again. I'm making him a hangover soup. I decided it's better to get out of bed early if I can't fall asleep anyway. I went out for a run and now here I am cooking for him again. If I knew I had to adopt a grown man with the scholarship I would have stayed home.

I hear footsteps in the hallway, his highness is awake it seems, I thought to myself. "Can I please get some water?" he says as soon as he enters the kitchen and for some reason, I am very annoyed. He pulls out a chair but just when I was about to sit I turned around glaring at him and he stopped midway, looking at me like a child caught drawing on the walls. He leaves the chair and stands straight avoiding my eyes.

"I need you to go take a shower. Look like a decent human being and then come here to eat" I tell him with a stern voice. He nods nervously and rushes to his room. Geez I sound like those moms in dramas, this guy is driving me crazy; I thought to myself and went back to cooking. He returns after 20 mins and quietly takes a seat. We eat in complete silence, but this is not the usual comfortable silence. You could cut the tension in this room with a knife, once we are done he cleans the dishes and I go back to my room.
I hear a soft knock on my door after some time.

" Sunwoo-ya, are you busy?" he asks, voice hardly audible. I open the door and go back to my desk. He enters; taking little steps and sits on the bed. We don't talk for a few minutes, every silent second felt like ages and he finally spoke. "I'm really sorry. I just didn't know how to face you" he said softly. "Well you see I remembered what I had said to you the night before and I felt terrible. I thought you hated me so I just ended up drinking because I didn't know how to face you sober" he continues his voice getting softer with every word.

"So you decided to get drunk and trouble me even more?" I asked. "I- it's just" he starts but I cut him off. "Look I might see like some heartless jerk and but surprisingly enough I am capable of understanding human emotions so do you want to tell me what's going on?" I finally ask him.
He tells me everything and it angers me to hear what he is going through I want to kick that asshole out of his life but I am even angrier at the boy sitting in front of me. How can he let someone play with his heart like this?

"Did you really think sleeping with him will change his feelings for you?" I ask him trying to suppress my anger. "I didn't know what to do?" he says sobbing. Part of me wants to hug him and tell him 'it's going to be alright' but another part of me wants to shake him and bring him to reality and tell him that the world isn't as good as he thinks it is. "You need to wake up from your fairy tale," I tell him my jaw clenched.

"But you see I really like him so, I don't want to let go just yet. Maybe he'll come around after some time," he said and at that moment for the first time in the last two months, I regret meeting Yoohan.

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