"We exchanged names. We already knew them anyways. What'd you need?"

"Apricity needs help-" Afinity was cut of once again by Apricity himself yelling down the hall.

"Ay, I'm fine now mate! I just need you kiddo!"

"Well," Techno smirked. "You're needed, 'kiddo.'"

"Oh, stuff it Techie." He nodded to Shadow before running out the door, shutting it behind him.

Another fit of laughter ensued.

— — —

It had been gods knows how long since Technoblade got up and left, feeling bad for not helping. Ranboo on the other hand, kept laying on the floor, staring into space. They finally started to get up from the nice, cool floor.

'What can I even do?' The question answered itself when he opened the door he heard laughter in the direction Afinity and Techno headed to. When they got there, they saw Afinity and Tommy sparing, whilst Apricity held a stopwatch. Looking to his right, Techno was showing Tubbo a book of sorts. Apricity raised the hand with the stopwatch in it's palm. "Timed fighting! Chao thinks he can beat B.K.'s time." He warmly smiled.

"Well, I can absolutely beat it!" Tommy boasted. "Koe's not that good at fighting." Ranboo had to bite their cheek to hold their laughter, and with a sideways look to Tubbo, he saw that he was doing likewise.

'Oh my gods.' Ranboo silently laughed. 'These people are idiots. My idiots.'

— — —

"Well," Tommy started, "maybe if you weren't tiny you could but your ornaments at the top of the tree." Tubbo huffed.

"That is absolute shit. Aimsey, tell him that that's absolute shit!"

"How about you stop being such assholes towards each other, and one of you help me string the popcorn onto this damn string." They scolded.

"Damn," BadLinu walked up to the three, "you sound like Papa J."

"Yeah," Eryn hopped of the ladder being used to put the Christmas lights on the tree. "But you're, what's the word? Hey Purpur, help me out!" He turned to Ranboo who was moving the ladder over with Crumb's help.

"He's pertinacious?" They suggested.

"She's naufragous?" Crumb offered.

Just as Tom, Tubbo, and Eryn were about to ask what those words even meant, Lani walked in with another box of ornaments. "Pertinacious. A formal adjective. Holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action. Naufragous. A obsolete or rare adjective. Meaning of or pertaining to a shipwreck." She smirked. Techno dropped his box of decorations next to hers, and gave her a high-five.

"Smartie." He nodded to the others before walking away towards Apricity who was calling his name.

"Damn." Tubbo stood in shock.

Freddie laughed. "You're the older sibling?"

"Oh fuck offfff!" They all laughed. Out of the corner of his eye, Ranboo saw Afinity slipping away from everyone.

"Hey guys, Ima go to the restroom, ok?" Ranboo saluted them before walking off, not waiting for a response. He walked towards the bathroom before walking towards Afinity. They caught him right before he walked out the door. "Hey Afinity. Where're you going?"

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