Making it official.... At school and Storytime

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The next day we waited for Bella to arrive and we all got into the car to go to school. Farrah! Come down, your sister's here let's go! When he got no response.... Farrah? That's funny she usually answers when I call her. I'm gonna go up and find her. When he came up, I went down. Farrah? Where are you? I gave Bella the sh, motion when I came down, and went around the corner. He came back down, Bella she's not up there, have you seen her? No I don't think so, besides wouldn't I tell you if I had?

As if this were to had been planned out, it was like a distraction. I made the my move, I pounced on his back and hung on for dear life, my legs wrapped around his waist, and arms wrapped around his neck with one big grunt as I threw myself onto him. Hey?! He lifted his arms under my knees so I couldn't fall, but at the same time tried to get me off. Farrah we need to go to school, you need to get down.

Make me! Fine then hang on tight! Why? Either get down on hang on tight cause we're gonna jump onto the trees and climb, up and up and up. He just keeps jumping hanging onto me tightly, I screamed and he stopped, all my sister did was laugh at us. Ok, ok Edward you win, put me down, right now! And there we go!

Come on sis lets all hop in the car and make our way to school. So we did. When we got to school everyone was discussing prom details, and then they were all looking at us as we exit the car. Um ok wow! Everyone stops and stares at us. We're wearing sunglasses to cover ourselves. Today I'm wearing this (outfit 15)What no extreme whatever? No he wouldn't me go all out. He rolls his eyes draping an arm over her.

I catch my eye on someone that I haven't seen in like forever after ago and on my skateboard I toss it down and push right past them, accidentally knocking Bella over into Edward's arms. JACK! I yell skating over. I was so happy to see him, but for the life of me, I just can't stop without running into someone. *ug* Jack look out.

Too late, and I knocked into him and we rolled down the hill. Um hi? Hi yourself. He leans up from under me and kisses me. We get up. I take my skateboard and bring it under my arm for safe keeping, and help him up? What are you doing here? Hey you know I come and go as I please kiddo. Yeah but you like have your own job to do so.... Hey your still my GF, or has that Jacob guys taken my place now? No way, he's all triangle with Edward and Bella.

Good to know. You should really figure out how to stop properly. I've been trying. Hey Farrah, yo GF you al'ite? Jake and his friends ask me. I pull leaves from my hair, dusting grass off of me. Yep I'm good dog. Cool, cool. Before the tumble you look like you got some pretty good skateboarding skills, and hey don't beat yourself up over the not stopping part it took me forever to get that part right too.

Whatever, come on you guys we have 10 mins before school starts, I should either go and do something to make this look good as new, or just switch outfits. So I'll be in the bathroom, if I'm not back by the time class starts, cover for me. You'll be in and out in a couple of secs you'll be fine. Just do it. Yes ma'am. So off I went I snapped my fingers and put the skateboard in my locker, went to the bathroom and snapped my fingers to put my hair up, and again once more to change outfits (outfit 7)I got back with plenty of time. Edward: Farrah that is so not what you left the house in! Me: Oh I know, my other outfit sorta got grass stains all over it. Edward: Gee I wonder how you managed to do that?! Hope you didn't get hurt! Me: Oh relax I'm fine. Edward: Ok, alright, now shh, class is starting. Me: But we aren't even talking we're speaking through our thoughts, man you're such a dork. Edward: Whatever, just pay attention.

After school before we headed out, it started raining, I went to go get my board, but when I came back, Jack had already left for the day as did all my cousins, and the rest of my "siblings" and Edward and Bella, and I knew there was no way Jacob was gonna pick me up even if I asked. Oh great everyone's gone. I skated home. Hey Snow welcome home. Hi.

Oh baby girl you're soaked! Esme said coming over to me hugging me. Where is Edward? He must've been so excited to hang out with Bella after school that he forgot me. That or he thought Jack would take me home, one min I turn my back to grab my board the next almost all the cars in the lot were gone, I would've asked Jacob to take me home, but I know he wouldn't had even if I asked. So Alice where are they? Why are you asking me?

Never mind I'll figure it out. Shouldn't you change in some dry clothes first? Um no? Why not? Because the new ones will only just get soaked too. Fine be careful. Yeah sure ok. When I get there to where they are, I hide away, and try not to interrupt. So aside from Farrah does a person have to be dying in order for them to be like you?

No that's just Carlisle. He wouldn't do it to someone who had another choice. So how long have you been like this then? I liked this story, he tells me it all the time. Since 1918, when Carlisle found me. I was dying at the time with probably that era's most deadly disease. He saved me, and turned me into who I am today. What was it like? This was the part I didn't like. The pain of the transformation its self was so painful, like SUPER, GUT RENCHINGLY PAINFUL!

Why are you yelling? 3.2.1. I hated this part I always *gasped* hearing it, I couldn't ever think of someone hurting my very BFF. Not even Carlisle, not even when it was to save his life, and to help him become the best big brother in the history of the world, to protect me always, as if we had really been related in one life or the next. I was wondering when you'd like your self be noticed.

I stepped out from my spot. How'd you know I was here? I can smell you a mile a way, probably. The smell of your blood, lets me know when you're near by. What about this morning? This morning I knew you were near by and in the house, but I couldn't pin point it. You're soaked! That's because you forgot me after school! Jack and the others were there they could've taken you home. No everyone was gone by the time I was leaving and it had started raining. I guess everyone assumed I was going home with you, all except you didn't come home, you're here.

I assumed that Jack was taking you home. I figured as much. I know you love this story, and how you hate the part of me being in pain so I yelled out painful words, to make you *gasp,* you could've just joined us instead of hiding. Yeah, but I didn't want to interrupt. No, you're more than welcome to join in with us. Come 'ere. He pats his lap and I go sit in it. So as I was saying.... No what Carlisle did was much worse then what happened to us. Didn't all he have to do was bite?

No its actually not that simple. When we taste human blood it sorta, what's the word I'm looking for? Help me out here kiddo? Go crazy, go nuts, go psycho.  Yes that will do. Its almost impossible to stop. But Carlisle did. Yeah first with me then his wife Esme. So is Carlisle the reason you don't kill? Not only that I don't want to be a monster. Oh no Edward you could never, we do what other humans do we do the things we do to survive, we don't kill anyone that doesn't deserve it, and only eat animals, you follow the rules same as the rest of us, you're not a monster you do the things you do to protect the people you love. I'm glad you feel so highly of me little sister.

She's right though, our family we like to think of ourselves as vegetarians, but it would be like a human only lasting on say tofu or sushi, both will make you strong, but never fully satisfied. Wouldn't be like say drinking yours or Farrah's blood for insistence. I nudge him. I'm kidding. So was it other vampires that killed our father's friend? Yeah we run into them from time to time. Not all are as good, or kind hearted like our sister is. Its funny to say our when no one in my family is really related, but she's really your sister.

So can everyone read minds? No that's just Farrah and I. Alice and Farrah can see the future. Farrah has all our powers combined, and some rare ones she can also learn new powers. I bet one of them saw me coming. Well Farrah, all she knows is that she's had horrible nightmares of the separation for years, but could never figure out what it was. How do you know about those? I can read your mind, and you talk in your sleep. Sorry.

Its frustrating when you say the same things over and over again. Alice sees subjective future's but Farrah can see it all. I mean the future is never set in stone the future can always change.

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