Do you think they remember me?

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Dad had just gone to pick up Bella, as we had been working on the truck, as been asked to by Charlie. The whole time in the few mins that it took to actually get it working, and fixed, since like Jacob can pretty much fix just about anything, something hit me, not literally of course, but like memory wise, worried wise.

And since Jake was my BFF, he always knew when something was up. Ok talk to me, Snow what's up? Since it was all fixed up now all we had to do now was give it a good wash, to make it look good as new. Ok first of all, I said giving him a little smirk, only my brother is allowed to call me that, and you know it. 2nd..... I paused *Sighed* and went back to cleaning the truck.

He lifted an eyebrow, and? Nothing. I said. Farrah? I know somethings wrong, what's bugging you? Just let it go Jakey. How about no. Come on Snow, you can't hide anything from me when I know somethings wrong. Ok, ok. Do you think they remember me?

Is that what this is all about? Farrah he had no idea who you were, Bella probably won't either. Jake he said I looked like his daughter. I thought he wasn't supposed to remember me at all? Yeah, but in what kind of future or a different dimension does that actually work, I mean when does it actually work that of spells are cast or time is traveled that parents don't still think that their children look the slightest bit familiar to them?

What about Bella? Bella hasn't seen you in forever, she not only probably will not think that you look familiar, but she also won't know you, but I can't promise that. We were sitting on the edge of the car up on the hood, my arms wrapped tightly around my knees my head rested on them, my knees pulled close up to my chest as far as they would go, the look of fear and sadness on my face.

Yeah, but now I'm having mixed emotions, at one point I'm glad he doesn't remember me, and that Bella won't either, but we're still biologically family, and stuff, even if we hadn't seen each other in what probably feels like 100s of years, parents should always recognize their kids, and Bella's my twin, you would think, we'd have some kind of twin power, or something, that even if she did see me again like it was the first time she's ever met me, that she'd still know who I was, but on the up side, if they don't know who I am, our fantasy lifestyle of being vampires and werewolf's won't ever be part of their life, and since it can't they can never be in any of trouble or danger, or make it so they'd be risking their normal lives to be with us, and for everyone's safety Charlie can never have me back, my father's hands are tied whether he's my adopted dad or my biological uncle or my 2nd cousin twice removed, he will always be my dad, and I will always love him like one, same with my siblings.

Seeing as this was going know where. Jacob hopped down leaving me there, in my thinking state, went to pick up a hose and sprayed it all over me. JACOB, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT, THIS MEANS WAR! We started having a water fight, goofing off, and being soaked, Jake had ran off at one point or another, and came back behind me wrapping his arms around me getting me even more soaked than I already was.

JACOB?! He just laughed flicking water at me and off himself. It would be a long while until Charlie got home, Forks was kind of in the middle of nowhere and it took a long time to get out into the middle of nowhere land. So we found it best to go and dry off, somehow.

Jake raced me back to his house and threw me my skateboard, come on skate normally that way we can walk/skate and talk on the way back to the Cullen's place. Fine. When we got back, I opened the door, and we both came in.

*Ug* what is that wet dog smell?! Alice asked as she and Edward came down the stairs. No wonder Jacob Black is here, again. My cousins got up from where they were siting and wondered the same thing. Farrah? I *Sighed* yes Edward?

Alice came closer to us. *Ug* it's not just Jacob, it's Farrah too! Edward smirked at me evilly, you go upstairs and get cleaned up, you smell like wet dog. As if to prove it, the 2 of us Jacob and I, we smiled evilly at each other and in our heads right on cue counted down 3.2.1 and shook our bodies like dogs do.

Hey?! Enough you're gonna make us all smell like wet dog. Carlisle and Esme came down hearing the commotion. Farrah dear you're soaked, go clean up. She said smiling trying not to laugh. How are you Jacob? Dad asked him. I'm fine, thank you.

Thank you for watching her, hope she wasn't much trouble. No, no trouble with her. She was a great help. Help with what? Charlie asked me to help fix the truck he wants to give Bella, he went to go get her, we had a huge water fight, after we were done.

Well gee that would explain the smell. Jacob. Dad said. You should go clean up too. No thanks I wouldn't want to intrude. Now come on son, what would your old man think if you came home soaking wet? He'd think, *sigh* oh Jake, got into it again with that Cullen girl, she's nothin' but trouble. Except he'd shake his head smiling teasingly not meaning a word he said, and send me to go dry off.

Edward couldn't help, but roll his eyes. Jacob Black it wasn't a suggestion it was a fatherly order, you are my daughter's friend and so we treat you like part of the family, now go get cleaned up, please. Knowing he couldn't win, he ran his fingers through his long messy hair, and went up stairs to go shower, as I had myself, almost all the rooms had their own personal shower, hearing the convo, from up in my room, I decided, I'd let Jake shower in mine, and just for the annoyance of it all went into Edward's shower and showered since I knew none of my other siblings would like it much if Jake used any of their showers to clean himself off, but would at least be ok with it if I used one of theirs to clean myself off.

Go use mine, I'll use my brother's. He nodded thanking me and went to shower as I did the same. When we came back down, dad said he called Jake's dad and let him know where he was and that his father thanked him for watching him.

Ok, well we'll be back. Where do you both think you're going? Bella will be back any min, I said grabbing my bored, and taking it with me, but got stopped when Edward passed me my helmet. Wear the helmet. Why? I won't get hurt, and if I do, I can heal myself.

So this has happened before? No, I said shrugging, heading out the door. Put it on! Edward said stopping me again. *Ug* fine. Jacob, tell me if she doesn't wear it while skating, if I'm not around I want you to be her "brother." I'm already like her brother, the other guys too.

Good, I'm not saying I trust you cause I don't, but she does, and she's as stubborn as the rest of us. I am not! You are so! Ok let's head out. I'll be back soon, try not to worry so much. I said hugging him ruffling his hair, and leaving along side Jake. Bella here we come.

I rolled my eyes. The guys are right you are crazy about my sister. Oh shut up! Race ya! Ready set go!

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