Needing answers

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So here we all were at dinner. We ordered Bella her Italian dish, we ordered nothing. I'm sure I could, even though my first time I got sick from it, but since I could eat real food now, I mean I can really survive off of both, but blood is better. Are you really not gonna eat? I mean I would but, I lost my appetite for now since after what just happened. Ok well what about you Edward? Well I mean there are two reasons I'd rather not eat right now, but the main reason is that we're actually on a special diet and, after seeing my sister get hurt like that, I'm pretty sure I lost mine too, for now.

Ok well you guys gotta give me some answers here. Uh 1.1415.... Yes? No? To get to the other side..... You guys just stop! I don't need to know the square root of pi. So you already knew that? How you know where we were? I didn't. Ok then.... Bella gets up to leave. Bella wait don't go! He's kidding, you know trying to lighten the mood a little bit. He's always keeping tabs on me, I must've butt dialed him or something and he figured out where we were.

I mean she's right, but also I just I followed close just in case my sister or you would need my help, but then I heard what they were thinking.... I kicked his leg under the table. Wait, heard their thoughts? How is that possible? We can read everyone's minds in here apart from yours. We do a couple examples. So what's wrong with me? You see that's why this is funny we tell you we can read minds and you think there's something wrong with YOU?!

Yeah I mean I guess so. We were on our way home, they touched hands to turn down the heat when the girls got too warm. I mean as a human, and half a human half vampire Bella was probably just warm enough, but my body reacts funny when I'm around heat, I start feeling sick, and start to get weak, and we don't know why either. Hey can we pull in my dad's car is still here? Bella asked a few mins later, after we were passing by the hospital and she had suddenly felt how cold Edward's skin was.

Yeah please Edward dad's still here too, lets find out what's going on. So we did we heard all about it. Bella you should go in, the man that died was a very good friend of your father. Farrah come with me? Um? I glance over at dad and Edward. Carlisle nods his at me telling me its ok to go. Ok sure. Edward you can go if you want to, I'll be a little while longer, I can take Snow back with me when I leave.

If you want me to leave I can. Carlisle knew something wasn't right, Edward sounded nervous to leave me. You wanna talk about it now while she's with them or at home in my office? Edward frowns and *sighs* running a hand through his hair. I think we better go now. Carlisle comments tapping Edward's shoulder in that fatherly way. Edward doesn't move.

Farrah got hurt. Edward mumbles turning his head away squeezing his eyes shut with a frown on his face. Come again? Farrah got hurt, Edward says a little bit louder, more clearly this time blinking back tears. Farrah got hurt, and it's all my fault, because I couldn't get to them faster, she was trying to protect Bella she saw me coming around the corner and ran away from the guys that were after them, once Bella was safe they ran after her, they found her in a near by ally. They started beating her up, one gave her a black eye, her clothes were covered in blood, they paid the price though, she killed them and turned them to dust, but she's still hurt and bruised, because she's not fully like us she can't heal as quickly, maybe not even at all, that's why she's wearing my hoodie currently to cover herself.

It's all my fault, I protected Bella, but I.... He couldn't say another word, and he felt weak for crying for me, he was sad I was hurt, and angry he couldn't stop it from happening. Its ok Edward, Farrah will be fine, I'll fix her right, up if its anyone's fault its the other guys, and she took care of them it sounds like. They can't hurt the girls ever again. Edward I know you don't want to feel this way, because you believe that feeling is human thing and you don't understand how you can feel such feelings as a vampire, but we aren't robots, or monsters our bodies are of human form, you know with just immortality and super powers.

Its ok to feel feelings, especially for someone you care so much about like your sister, even if she's really Bella's. Back with us. Hey dad are you ok? I'm fine Bells known him for 30 years and he dies by an animal fishing. I have someone I think you'd like to see. That was my cue to walk in. Hi Charlie. Farrah? Actually I sorta go by Snow now. How- how are you sweetheart? I'm good how about yourself? Well I was a bit down knowing someone so close to me died, but now, I think I'm doing much better, to know now that you're around again. I know I can't you back, so how are the Cullen's they treat you nice?

Yeah they're great dad. Uncle Carlisle and Aunt Esme, and all my other foster siblings, they're great, Alice and Edward and I are really close. Edward is like practically my BFF aside from Jacob. The cousins all came to town for my birthday they're not staying much longer. Oh good to know I think. Take these little cans of pepper spray girls, please it will give your old man some peace. So we do.

Ok lets go home Bella, it was nice seeing you again Farrah, take care, come visit anytime. Ok sure Charlie. Goodnight, see ya at school Bella? Yep will I see you? Depends. I said winking at her. I went into my dad's office. Dad are we ready to head out? Farrah? Carlisle said with a sad *sigh. * What's wrong Carlisle? Farrah you need to promise me you won't get upset or mad at me, ok?!

Edward what's wrong you're scaring me?! OMG Edward what happened? Your eyes are all red and puffy, were you crying? You never cry. I ran and hugged him, he played with my hair. I told him Farr's I told him what happened. Sh its ok Edward, its ok. You're always there for me and now its my turn to be there for you. That's just it Snow I wasn't there for you when you needed me to be! What is he talking about?

Tonight Farrah. Edward's upset that he couldn't get to you fast enough to protect you from getting hurt, he really looks out for you, you know. Yeah I know and he's the best. Farrah come into one of the rooms so that I can get a look at you and fix you. Well I guess I'll be going then. No! You can't leave. Why not? Its driving 101 never drive anywhere under distress, or tired, or hungry, especially after being as upset as you are or as angry as you were earlier. You could get into an accident and get hurt. I can't get hurt. Pretend with me ok? As a half human pretend you're me and you were under a state like this, you go driving and your emotions if you were human would win over your better judgement of driving and as a human you could crash and get hurt or at the very least get someone else hurt.

If you really want to go home so bad take my skateboard and skate it home. I don't know how to do that besides, as a full vampire my strength, or my wait would break it as soon as I got on to it. Ok number one, I'm half and still have the strength of a Demi G-D, and what weight? You're skin and bones you have no fat, look at you you're so skinny. Show me where that "weight" you were talking about comes from is it here or here, or how about here or here? I asked playfully poking at him, he tried to shove my hands away, but just like Carlisle said it was ok to feel feelings, we aren't monsters or robots, we are still human, sorta. I was only trying to "help."

Soon the both of us were laughing, he was laughing because well, he had his reasons, and I was laughing because laughter is contagious, and the playful and human side I was making Edward show was even making Carlisle laugh. Ok, ok you two wild things, Farrah enough, Edward I told you its ok to be human. No you said its ok to feel feelings. Same thing, we are after all still human we still have human feelings and emotions, and human weaknesses except we don't need human food or sleep to live.

Well I don't like it! Well get used to it. He rolled his eyes at me. Edward stay here if you want to, Farrah come with me. Even though Carlisle was a great Dr. I still hated the Drs. office, and the hospital, Drs are always touching all over you and doing weird things to you and your body, ug it makes me feel uncomfortable. So where are the covered in blood clothing? In my bag, that Edward brought me with the cloths I have underneath. Let me see your face. You've had the hood up covering it, out in the dark, and knowing you, you probably did something to hide it.

Take off the hoodie. So I did. Farrah, look at you, that's a nice black eye they gave you baby, your lip is busted, your cheeks are swollen, and did you get any broken ribs? Not that I know of. Mind if I check? Only if Edward didn't mind message you just now to get me back. Ok, ok I knew that wouldn't work, I assume he would've check before hand if you did. Anywhere else? No.

I think we can go home then. Come on Edward lets go home. We all got into the car and went home. Back at Bella's home she opened the book to the page about the cold ones and searched for answers online, Super fast, got to her from the side of the lot. Super strong, the dent in the car. Super pale, well we never got any sunlight here. Drinks blood? Possibly our "special" diet. Never goes out into the sunlight, well we're never in school when the sun does come out during the day as it rarely does. Ice cold. The car a few mins ago.

Vampires? What vampires are so not real?! They can't be! Or can they? Maybe that's the other part of my mystery. Well goodnight world.

Dragon Vampire girl part oneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن