School time to go see if my cousin remembers me and meet his friends

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It was the next day I was going to go to Jake's school today he hadn't seen me in like forever so I was hoping he even still remembered me like his sister did. I was kinda worried because of what Aunt Susan said. I was gonna hope to not run into him before I was ready and then meet his friends, but a dragon has a strong sense of smell which is not good for me being a vampire. I was scared to see my cousin again I hoped he'd remember me.

Hey yo guys, Trix Spud! Yo what up Jakey my player?! Good I think. What up Jake? What's the matter baby? Nothing I hope Trixie, my mom was acting weird last night I thought I smelled a vampire. *Gasp* Really? That's bad right? Yeah Spud vampires and dragons are like not supposed to be friends right Jakey?! That's right Trix, but my sister said she made friends with one because I smelled it on her last night when she went to shower.

And what do you think she was lying? IDK, but she was also coming from the guest room which means there must've been something in there. Like? IDK you guys, but I'm gonna find out. A few hours later it was lunch time, and I was walking around looking for somewhere to sit, 1st of all I had no idea how many hidden mystical creatures were at his school and I was hopping no one actually found out I was who I was until my cousin ran into me.

I wasn't prepared for him to find me so quickly.... Yo Jake who is that girl there she looks lost?! Yeah, but she's also a vampire. She is, but she looks harmless?! They always do you guys they always do. She looks nice. She also looks familiar. Eyes of the dragon. Vampire, Family tree DNA esc.... Aunt is Susan Long mother Renee Swan.

Hey you vampire come over here? Who me? Yeah girl you heard my boy get your butt over her! Easy Trixie. Yes am I in trouble because I'm sorry if I caused any Jake?! How do you know my name? Oh stop I know you just looked me over, I can read your mind. Ok, but who are you? I'm your cousin Farrah, you must be Trixie and Spud it's nice to meet you.

OMG Farrah is that really you? The one in the same in the flesh my friend. OMG you've grown so much, guys this is Farrah, I haven't seen her in like forever it's good to see you down here, but what are you doing down here? Long story short my sister came home and said she came back because of me, but then she like totally ignored me and made me feel unwanted, my dad knows I'm here, but I don't think he planed on me staying for very long I'm not even sure Bella realizes she made me feel that way.

Aw hun I'm so sorry, Jake said hugging me. Whoa Jakey I've never heard you call someone hun before not even Rose. Well I mean I haven't seen her in a long time and she means a lot to me. Oh come on bro you were the one that was just talking about how bad vampires were. Jake you, you really said that?

It's ok I didn't mean you, you want to come sit with us? I would, but I gotta go. I'll see ya around though, maybe shred some skills on the half pipe on my skateboard later? You skate? Sure don't you? Are you kidding me I'm the king. Oh I'm sure you are they call me the queen where I'm from.

I'm just gonna be on my way though now, so bye. Jake I think you made her upset. If I did I didn't mean to. Hey you new girl? Who me? Yeah you come here? Hi I'm Rose. Oh you're Rose? That depends who talked about me? Little vampire? Hey I'm good I promise, and your boyfriend the dragon did he's my cousin. Oh that's so cool I was heading over there to go eat some lunch you want to come eat with us.

No thanks it's ok I'm just gonna go eat in a dark corner away from people. Hey whoa I'm sorry.... It's Farrah. Yeah ok Farrah, I'm sure Jake didn't mean what he said. How do you know? You're a vampire and before you showed up he was probably talking about how bad vampires are, wasn't he? Yeah. Ok well if you ever want to join us you know where we'll be.

Dragon Vampire girl part oneWhere stories live. Discover now