I didn't mean it like that

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Good afternoon Jake. Hey Rose what's the haps girl? Jake? She asked him trying to be serious failing while holding back laughter, her arms crossed and tilted eyebrow. What, what did I do?! Rose frowned uncrossing her arms and sitting down with her food. Where's Farrah? *sigh* Jake she's kind of upset with you. What why? Because you think vampires are bad and she heard you say so, just like you she has super hearing just naturally instead of asking for the skill from under your breath for the "ear of the dragon." I know, but I said that before I even knew she was my cousin.

I realize that, but it still wasn't very nice for you to say that. I know, but Rose Vampires and dragons are enemy's, she as far as I know is the only good kind of vampire and just because she's my cousin doesn't mean she's not evil or kind she could just be putting on an act and acting as inside info to take back to her family. I'm not sure I trust her. Why?

Yeah come on Jakey she trusted and liked Rose even when you found out she was the enemy from that dragon tattoo. Yeah bro and look where the dragon slayer love got you now, in love more than ever man. Just cause your cousin's the "enemy" of other dragons doesn't mean she's evil baby. Yeah maybe your right Trix. He said rubbing the back of his head sighing sadly. Go on now go find her and make sure she knows you apologize. I would, but.... No way the only butts you get are to kick them now go to your cousin.

But.... I don't even know how or where to start. Just go up to her and be like, hey girl look here baby I didn't mean what I said yo I didn't mean it like that, you know, it's just vampires and dragons have always been enemy's you know bro? So like if I hurt you I didn't mean to and I apologize for everything, so you know when I said that vampires were bad I didn't mean you, except I sorta did because I didn't know you was my cousin see and look I take it back yo everything single thing I've said I didn't mean to judge you or your kind I just have no idea if your good or bad or undercover or what, you know? As far as I know honestly you're the only good vampire I know.

Then hug her and ask her to sit with us and I'd hurray up if I was you boy you don't got a lot of time yo. Ok fine I'll go. Yeah. Rose said putting a hand on his shoulder or you could apologize without the sass and just be like, hey Farr's can I talk to you for a sec? Then be like, listen Farrah I didn't mean what I said back there and I especially didn't mean to hurt you or your feelings, that's the last thing I ever wanted to do, it's just *sigh* take a breath if you need it and tell her the truth, be like, it's just that vampires and dragons they're just common enemy's you know? I haven't seen you in like, then fill in the time of when the last time you saw her was, so because of the common enemy thing and not seeing you in like forever it was hard to tell if you were good or bad or if your working undercover you know? As far ad I know your the only good vampire out there, but I'm sure there are more good ones somewhere.

Then you say you're sorry give her a nice warm hug and tell her you love her and invite her to come sit with us. What if she doesn't want to listen to what I have to say? Then you go all tough love on her and stuff! No! Trixie he doesn't do anything it's her loss if she doesn't want to listen to what he has to say, but he says it anyways and when he does he can just walk away and hope for the best or he gives her time to come around and become friends with us when she's ready. We don't want to push or she'll shy away and never trust us or open up to us for a long time and it's probably best she let's us know what's up instead of your parents.

Yeah sure do it all sugar and spicy and not sassy and cocky like usual cause you know that's totally the 'M drag way of doing things sweet and nice?! Hey?! I'm not always like that especially when it comes to my friends and family. You do bro since when? Spud whose side are you on?! IDK sorry. *Sigh* Fine I'll go I'll go. Good luck. Rose do you know where she is? Try the closet or the secret magic creature hang out spot in a dark corner hiding away from the light and from people covered in darkness.

Um.... Ok. She's probably really upset and alone Jake. The perfect time to say what you need to say. And if you can help it do or say something to make her smile or laugh I take the 1st part back don't "do" anything and don't make any of your jokes. Then how do I get her to smile? I don't know use whatever dragon charm you've got, and I don't mean magic I mean be yourself.

I smell death and vanilla near by. She's in here in the magic place. Farr's? Go away! Farrah can I talk to you for a sec? I don't see why not. Look I didn't mean what I said back there, I especially didn't mean to hurt you or your feelings, that's the last thing I want to have happen. It's just.... Vampires and Dragons they've been enemy's since the beginning of time you know? I nodded hugging my knees wiping my tears away. Besides I also haven't seen you since I was like 5 years old or whatever so, because of us being common enemy's and all and not seeing you in like forever, it's kind of hard to tell if you're good or bad or undercover or something you know? I laughed at that. There we go we're getting somewhere. And as far as I know you're the only good vampire out there, but I'd love for you to prove me wrong. I'm sure there are some out there somewhere.

There are the Cullen's they're good I know they are even though I haven't met them yet cause I can see the future and stuff. Then how? Wait a min here I'm trying to apologize here he started laughing which made me laugh too. So like I said I'm sorry Farrah and I love you, he said hugging me kissing my forehead. I love you too Jake I said hugging him back laughing. Has anyone ever told you, you have a beautiful smile and an adorable little laugh? I let go with a confused look and giggly laugh. Sorry I didn't mean it like that I probably just sounded like a lovey dovy Boyfriend. Nah keep going you're doing great as far as I'm concerned.

Hey? I gave a little laugh and he laughed back, so you want to join us? Then I stopped laughing and frowned, I don't know I'm not sure that's a good idea, I mean I forgive you and all, but I'm not really an out in the open bright and sunny people person and your friends kind of scare me. Spud and Trix why? Cause of what they're thinking of me and because of what Trixie told you to say to me Spud is dangerous and not smart he could get us into some trouble and Trixie doesn't think I'm who I say I am and doesn't trust me she thinks something's up. As for your girlfriend she's nice, but she doesn't trust me either and doesn't want to see you get hurt, just please don't tell them I don't want them to feel bad.

*sigh* Ok well if you ever want to join us like sit by us in class of help us study or sit with us at lunch or hang with us like shred some half pipe on your board queen of whatever you were in your home town and show us those moves sometime we'd love to have you hang out. When do you go back? IDK maybe not for a while I guess. How old are you? We're the same age we're 14 it's 8th grade. Right....

Good we have some friends that live down the street from us the Fenton's they have a son our age and a daughter that's 16 and his friends are our age too, we're all pretty good friends. You should meet them sometime. Ok, but for now I'm gonna go. Go where classes are about to start again? I don't have to be here you do I'm going home.

Ok see you at home I'm sure grandpa could use some help at the shop go see if he needs some help same with fu dog he'll teach you all the magic you need to know. Ok. See ya. Have fun. Oh yeah mystical creature class is a blast. Note sarcasm.... Whoa slow down.... Mystical creatures class? That sounds awesome. It would be if the teacher wasn't the guy who taught it. Fine see ya love you. I said giving him a hug and kiss using my vampire speed to go back home.

What a day! Well I guess I'm going to the shop now. This will be fun.

Dragon Vampire girl part oneWhere stories live. Discover now