Meeting Jacob Black

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OK so I thought that maybe in the last chapter I would be already meeting Jacob, but then I had to figure out my powers. So in this Chapter I am actually gonna be meeting him. So.... Yeah.

Farrah oh Farrah?! Yes daddy? I think for today you can go walk around and meet people, but remember to come home by 8:00pm. Yes daddy. You have training, oh and maybe change into something a little more our style. Um ok, what is that? Well either Gothic looking or tomboy. Yeah ok sure. So up to my room I went to go change into something more "our" style which was actually my style anyways. So with my super vampire speed I was up in my room getting ready when the strangest thing happened.

*ring, ring* *ring, ring*

Me: Hello? I asked to the person on the other end.

Other's: Hey Farr's!

Me: Wait a sec..... Jake Danny and friends is that you?

Jake: You bet it is!

Danny: How are you little cousin?

Me: LOL you guys we're about the same age we're all 8 years old.

Tucker: Yeah, but they're both older than you!

Sam: Shut up Tucker!

Me: (laughing) you guys are so funny.

Spud: Cooolll! Dude girl thinks we're funny sweet bro.

Me: Spud you know you either just call me by name or vampire girl?

Trixie: Oh girl he knows that he's just playn' ya dog.

Rose: Hey come on you guys this call is becoming pointless.

Me: Oh yeah why did you call?

Jake: No real reason.

Danny: Yeah we just wanted hear your voice we miss you.

Me: Aw you guys, how can you miss me already I just left NYC not too long ago?!

Others: Well we do!

Me: Aw you guys I miss you too, but I need to go I have training soon, so love you all I hope to see you all real soon again bye.

Other's: Bye love you too!

Oh boy that was great, but for real though I should probably change first this one (outfit 26) then this one (outfit 31)for that day I liked the tomboy outfit better. I came down stairs ready to head out, when Edward stopped me. Where do you think you're going?! Move Edward! No you little squirt! Come on Edward Carlisle said I could.

You stay I'm gonna go find him, and ask him. Ok Edward you do that! without another word or another thought, so that Edward couldn't read my thoughts. Ok cool I'm on the outside finally in like what feels like forever I'm out. Huh I never thought I get this far I don't have any friends my own age. I don't really know anyone. I need a friend my own age.

Hey I'm Jacob what's your name? I'm Farrah Cullen, well actually my last name is Swan. Oh cool you're Bella swan's sister. Oh yeah, I uh guess so? Is something wrong? I haven't seen my sister in forever. I'm not sure I've ever even met her, It's kind of all a blur to me, I'm not sure my biological father even remembers me, please don't tell him you know me? Ok, but why? Because it's a closed adoption, for whatever reason my mother doesn't want me to live with my father.

Mind: Well, I know why, it's because of my powers, but I can't tell this guy what I really am, I'd be in huge trouble! Uh hey let's be friends, in fact best friends. Ok. Let's take you to my house so you can meet the rest of my friends. Um, ok. So I did, his dad was a little suspicious of me from my sent.. Jacob hey boy listen be careful around that girl there, Cullen's are nothing, but trouble. Ok, but she's not really a Cullen, she's not a you know what, IDK about that.

Hey Farrah my friends, and I are having a campfire with the rest of our "pack" you wanna come? Um sure. Hey you guys this is my new friend Farrah, she's gonna hang out with us at the campfire. Ok. He introduces me to all his friends, we get along almost right away. Welcome to the group, you can be our honorary one. You know of our pack. Jacob? We had the campfire, oh no it's almost 8:00, I have no idea where I am or how to get home.

Come on we're gonna go with her to help her find them. We will thanks dad. Well you already made her part of the pack and the guys all seem to love her. The Cullen's might have a problem with it, but they wouldn't want to hurt Farrah, including her feelings, or make her not be friends with you, so we'll have to fix the treaty for us all to be happy with it, but everyone still stays on they're own part of the land except Farrah, and the other's can only come over if Farrah is with them, we won't fully trust them, and they won't fully trust us, but for Farrah we're all gonna have to get along.

So we all met up at my house and we talked to the other Cullen's they were grateful they brought me back, and no one got into trouble not even me, hey I didn't know better. so they agreed for my sake that everyone was gonna get along and thanks to Jake and not knowing better, or myself, I was "both" "both" meaning I could go wherever I pleased, as long as someone knew where I was at all times.

As we got older, I got better control of my powers, and could go to school with other humans, and my siblings, except we couldn't go back to regular school, until I was at least 14. It was the same school my siblings had always gone to, always having to start over with freshmen year, graduating, over and over again. We soon, had a collection of graduation caps, every 100 or so years they had moved to and from Forks.

In just 6 years, we could start over, it would be about only 2 or 3 years before Bella, would move back to Forks with dad, she would soon go to the high school we had always gone to. Well the other Cullen's. In the meantime, I would go over to La Push beach and surf, I didn't really know how I just did it, and I was really, really good at it. I entered myself into competitions and everyone would come out and watch me surf, and I always ended up wining.

Farrah, Jack. get up it's the 1st day of freshmen year. You hear that everyone it's back to school. Cullen's time for school again! Coming! I yelled flying down the stairs, whoa someone's up and ready for school? Yeah, I can finally go to school with my siblings, I've never gone to school, and it's the beginning of high school. Come on Cullen's. I'll get them up daddy! Now Farrah what are you thinking? I'm thinking about using my emotion powers, to get them to all be happy. Farrah you know how much trouble you'll be in from Edward if you do that you know?! I know I'll take my chances. Ok Snow. Yeah, they just call me that, now, cause Jack calls me that all the time.

Come on you guys let's go to school. Farrah I'm gonna kill you! I laughed hearing the laughter in Edward's voice, he wasn't really mad, that "killing" he was talking about, wasn't anything I couldn't handle. You might want to make a run for it. Right ok bye daddy love you. I ran out the door, before I could get caught. Carlisle laughed the other's came down rolling their eyes. Those 2 are just so great to each other, aren't they dear? Yes Esme. Good thing, for Farrah that Edward taught her himself, or she wouldn't be as fast as she is now.

When we all got to school, I stopped using my powers. To bad most of my classes Edward was in, we raced each other from class to class texting each other when we got there, if we weren't going to the same place. After school I'd go over to Jacob's with hopes of not getting caught by Edward, or followed. Every once in awhile, when I looked back to make sure no one was there, Jacob would be waiting for me, I'd knock into him and fall down, I was just used to Edward sneaking up on me, that naturally every time I fell my hands would fly to my face, in the form of defense.

Come on Snow get up, we do this almost all the time. I'm not Edward, and I'm never gonna be. Jacob said laughing rolling his eyes giving me a hand up, Why do you always fall down when you run into me, don't you have any better balance? Not when I'm running so fast, you have hard abs. Come on kiddo let's get you inside I'm sure Em wouldn't mind making you something to eat. At this point she looks normal.

By this point he knows what I really am, and no one cares, Jacob knows what he is, he's seen the other's transform before, I've seen a couple of them transform before, Jake hasn't yet, he's a little younger than the others, he's a couple months younger than me too. He just asks older. He still has a thing for Bella.

After a few hours, it got closer to evening, I should get back, walk me home? Sure thing kiddo. It was like having a bunch of other brother's around, there were even sometimes that dad let him stay for dinner, and other times where he let me stay for dinner, or even stay for a camp out weekend, like I said I could come and go as I pleased, as long as someone knew where I was at all times.

A couple of years went by, and Jacob told me he had heard from Charlie, that my mom was happy with her new boyfriend, Phil, that Bella liked him too, but that mom thought it would be good for her not to be moving around a lot, so much, that she'd be living with Charlie for a while, Bella was ok with that, Jacob couldn't wait to see her again, I'd talk to mom every few months, it was cool, hearing from her, even though she wasn't one of us anymore she'd still be around forever, it was still in her blood.

I can't wait to see her again. I haven't seen her in about 8 years, before I met you. Yeah, and when are you gonna cut this hair off, it's so long? Cause if I cut it off, I couldn't do this, he said pinning me down swinging it around in my face. Jacob Black, that is enough, now let me up! Now when does my sister come home? Any day now, it's like half way through the semester, it's only been a few weeks into the start of JR. Year, it's at least October, don't you have a 17th birthday coming up? Yeah, oh yeah didn't Charlie ask us, to help get that truck working for Bella's arrival? Oh yeah. She won't be here I don't think until a couple of weeks after our birthday. For the sake of things, Jake is just a few months older, but if he's not in our same grade, he will be now.

Ok well thanks for walking me home. Goodnight Jake get home safe. Yes mom! Jacob Black? Ok, ok I will see ya later Cullen! Bye Jakey. Speaking of Jake's. I went inside, no one at home, I had no idea where they were. I called my cousin's and talked to them for a while, like I always did a few weeks before my birthday,

Come on Jake pick up.

Jake: Hey Farrah?

Other's: Hey we're all on.

Me: Hi Jake, hey Danny, Hi everyone!

Danny: Hey doesn't someone have their 17th birthday coming up soon?

Spud: Yeah, uh when is it again?

Sam: The 15th like it's always been.

Trixie: Yeah Spud, we tell you this every year!

Tucker: Hey come on now you guys it's cool.

Rose: Yeah, what Tucker said it's no big deal.

Me: You guys are too funny. Seriously though, its cool, and yes there is, I miss you guys.

Jake: Say no more little cousin, we've got a plan!

Other's: We do?!

Danny: Yes Jake's right we do!

Other's: Oh right, yeah, we do, well later Farrah.

Me: LOL bye guys talk to you soon, bye love you guys!

OMG it's never gonna end is it?! You guys hello? Hm a note.... Note: Dear Snow, went out into the forest, for some hunting, Edward, and myself will be waiting for you at 8:00pm sharp for training, don't be late. I look at the clock... It's almost 8:00 now! I run out the door, to the forest.

At the forest..... She's gonna be late again Carlisle. Oh Edward give her a break, she tries so hard, and besides, because of us, mostly you, she's more powerful than the rest of us. Yeah, I know, and I'm proud of her. But? But, that's what I'm worried about, 8 years, and she's more powerful than even me, and she still struggles with her powers, her 17th birthday is soon, she'll soon be the same age as the rest of us in human years.

She has rare powers, most of us haven't even heard of before, I worry for her. Well then you know she must be close, if you feel that way. Naw if she was close, I'd be super happy, I'm also serious, I heard Jake talking to her about her sister coming home soon, she's not like us, she's human, it's only been a couple of years, since we let her go to school.,... Yes, and she knows better with the blood, she's a fast learner, she felt bad her 1st time having blood, remember, she'll be fine she hasn't eaten anyone at school. Yeah that we know of!

Come on Edward? Carlisle says being all fatherly and putting him into a head lock ruffling his hair, I was close by, I could hear them from miles away, no wonder they were suddenly acting like real family, like real father and son. I'm so evil sometimes. LOL. Carlisle you're not funny, Edward said trying hard not to laugh. Come on Edward have a little faith in your sister. He said letting him go. I'd have more faith if she was here, he said crossing his arms, lifting an eyebrow, laughing a brotherly laugh. Ok she's defiantly close by, we're having too much fun out here, more than we usually would.

I'm here! Yeah we know. You're late. No it's exactly 8:00 sharp. Training went on for the next couple of hours, by the time we were done it was at least 10:00, I was letting the human part of me take over, I was getting tired. Oh no you don't, not now you can't get tired, you're making me tired. You're the only one that I can make feel the way I do.

That's not fair, why does that happen? Cause the 2 of you have a special bond, you also have the most in common. I swear sometimes you both really are siblings. Come on let's go. Race ya Snow. You're on! A couple more weeks finally went by, and we finally get to my birthday.

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