It's been a few weeks later my sister's back now what do I do?!

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So it's been a few weeks since my birthday, I have one more year until I stop aging, but as of now, my sister Bella is coming back to Forks. I'm not entirely sure that I actually remember her, but I know she probably has no idea who I am, that and dad, Charlie. I'm not sure he knows I'm in Forks to begin with.

My cousin's are all still here in their human forms they all go to school with me, they won't be going back for a while. Jack isn't too happy that I've changed him, but then again he changes on his own when he leaves our world to go back and forth to the NP to Forks.

I don't know anything about my sister, but I do know I saw a bunch of stuff about me somewhere. (It's funny cause I was gonna say that I knew I saw some in Edward's room and that I'd have to sneak back in there, but that is Twilight Twist) I tried to ask Carlisle and Aunt Esme, but they don't know anything about my sister/ her other niece.

Go ask that one guy, uh Jason, Jack, uh..... It's Jacob daddy, stop teasing you know the Black's daddy, Jake comes over all the time. Um, I live here with you for the time being little cousin. Not you Jake the other Jake. That's a great idea though, hey Jake toss me my skateboard.

Why skate over when you can just run over? Cause even with my vampire speed, boarding will make things go even faster. If you say so, here catch. Today I was wearing this (outfit 28) Snow just be careful. Aw Edward, aren't I always? No.

Ok, ok I promise I'll be careful, I said ruffling his hair and kissing his cheek. See ya! DON'T FORGET TO WEAR A HELMET! Edward called out to me. YOU WORRY TO MUCH BYE! I yelled back. I was at Jake's in a couple of secs. Ah Jake heads up I said bracing for impact.

Somehow even though I was the queen of skateboarding, I still for the life of me couldn't figure out how to have a good stop, without out falling over something, or sending my self flying. Good thing Jake was right there to catch me. Thanks Jake. Sam came up behind catching the board before it hit anything.

No problem squirt. Nice board BTW. Thanks. I said as he put me down, Sam brought over the board. Thanks Sam. See this is why we tell you to wear a helmet. What if you hurt yourself?! What would Edward say? What would he do? He'd never find out cause no one is gonna tell him.

Ok loca, so what are you here for, I'm sure it wasn't just to skate over and crash into me. Ha-ha. Well yeah, I heard a rumor my sister is coming home, what can you tell me about her? Oh you don't want to do that. Seth said. Once you get him started on Bella you won't get him to stop homie. Shut up guys.

So Jacob tell me about her. I wouldn't. Sam said. Jake opened his mouth to speak..... See once he starts you won't get him to stop. Jacob just growled at them, trying hard not to blush. Jakey? He shook his head calming down as he started going on and on about Bella.

A few hrs. later Jake's dad came and told him Charlie was going to go pick Bella up from the airport, that he wanted Jake to go work on the truck as her homecoming present. Jake nodded with his goofy smile. Come on Farrah let's go over to the Swan's place.

I stood there not moving worried. He laughed turning to make sure I was following. You coming home dog? He frowned when he saw me look down at the ground. What's wrong? I haven't seen my dad in years, do you think he'll ask me a bunch of questions?

Snow I don't think he'll even recognize you, unless he knew you for endless years like I have. He smiled at me holding my head up. I smiled back at him, he nudged me. Come let's go fix up that truck for your sister yeah? Yeah. I said.

Race ya I laughed. You're on! Hey Charlie I'm here to help. This is my friend, Snow Cullen. she's here to help me. Uh great, well uh nice to meet you too young lady. Say, have we met you look a lot like my daughter Farrah. Uh.... I'd think I'd remember if you were, sorry, uh. Charlie that's me.

Well come on let's not just stand here I'm gonna go pick up Bella, when I get back I want this truck fixed in fine shape. Yes sir Mr. Charlie sir. We laughed saluting him. Ok good see ya later he said nudging Jake's arm and doing that winking thing clicking his tongue and getting into his car to go pick up my sister.

A few mins. we were finished. Well she's all fixed up fit as a fiddle. I laughed nudging him, you're so old school.

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