Confessions and secrets told

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The next morning my sister asked us to meet her at school, said she wanted to talk to us. I had this strange feeling that she might be on to us. Ok well my sister wants to meet us at school, so lets get ready for school. So he wore his usual kind of outfits, and I wore this (outfit 22) Are you ready to go? Yep lets roll out, get it? Cause I was planning on.... Skateboarding. Yep I figured.

Once we got there. We went to the forest with Bella. Bella what's this all about? She didn't even look at us. You're all incredibly fast, strong, pale and ice cold. None of you will eat or drink anything, except maybe my sister, and none of you go out into the sunlight. I know what you all are. Bella, I..... Sh don't speak, I get it, I totally understand.

Then say it out loud! Go on Bells, say it. Vampires! All of you. Are you afraid? No not at all, especially not Farrah. You shouldn't had said that. Teach her the ropes Edward. I'll race you guys up. your on. Where are we going? Up out of the clouds so you can see what we look like when we're in the sun.

I get there slightly before them. He puts her down. Ok you win. Now come here. Bella this is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight. I just have one question. How old are you? We're all 17, in human years, and Farrah really is 17 she was still born on your same day, she's not full.

Now, watch this. He removes my jacket and unbuttons his shirt. Our skin sparkles sorta like diamonds. Your skin, its beautiful. Beautiful? Bella we have the skin of a couple of killers. Edward tells her as we put on our clothes back on. I don't believe that. That's because you believe the lie.

Farrah I want you to tell me about my family. Sure what do you want to know? Well for starters, you first. Ok well Our mom used to be a vampire, she'll still live forever even though she got a witch to take away her powers when she married our dad and had us both, Charlie is mortal, he has no idea, she thought she was leaving to protect him, and you, since I was born as a vampire, and was just like her, and that the two of you were mortal. The necklace she gave me is supposed to help me with my powers.

I started living with the Cullen's when I was 8 years old. I'm a vampire human hybrid. I have all the same powers as the other Cullen's and I'm a shield and can change things on people. I can read people's minds except for yours, I'm super fast, super strong, can change your emotion, can see into your future, I'm flawlessly beautiful, but you already knew that. Yeah and your super talented. I can go anywhere I want whenever I want as long as someone knows where I am at all times. Edward is my very best friend, aside from Jake. He and the guys are like brothers to me, so the two families get along because of me.

Oh um what else, um Esme is sorta our mom's sister, but since the kids aren't all really related they can all date each other. Then their other sister, she lives in NYC, she's mortal, and her husband has no idea magical anything exists. Her father, our grandfather is a dragon, and her generation got skipped, but Jake our cousin who is currently still in town for a while with his friends he's a dragon, and so is his little sister and his girlfriend is a dragon slayer. Charlie has two brothers and he didn't remember because of a witch that erased their memories of each other but when I was in NYC we got them all back together again.

Vlad is one of them, he lives in WI he used to be evil, but now he's not anymore, and he's part ghost, after an experiment accident that his brother Jack Fenton did back in college, and Danny our other cousin, he too got into a similar accident and is now also part ghost child, we're all the same age, and they'll currently still in town, all their friends and parents are mortal. My boyfriend is the spirit of winter and guardian of fun, that's why his hair is so white. I think that's everything, oh yeah our uncle Jack and his wife Maddie are ghost hunters, and Vlad and Jack used to fight over her all the time, dad grew up with ghost fighting and all this magical stuff, so he knows it exists, but he didn't expect it to be around in his own supposed to be mortal family. IDK if he just didn't want anything to do with it or.... But yeah that's our family.

So let me get this straight, all of the Cullen's are vampires and have powers, on my mom's side Esme is my aunt, and she's mom's sister, mom took her powers away to be with dad, but because of you and protecting dad and I she had to leave with you because she didn't want her powers or magic in her life anymore, but because it was still in her blood she'll live forever, this other chick, the other sister, she's supposed to be a dragon, but her generation got skipped so she's mortal and her husband knows nothing about magic, where as dad at least does because his brother's that he for a while didn't remember having until you and our cousins got their memories back, lived around magic and ghosts, one brother is part ghost and part human, even though the brother and his wife are hunters, and so our cousins on mom's side are dragons and on dad's side one's a ghost and all the cousins are here currently, is that about right?

Yeah I mean I guess I could've just told it that way. As freaked out as I want to be from learning all of this, I knew there was something from my past that was haunting me, that I needed to know the truth, that you couldn't tell me this because, its probably some form of vampire law. Right? Yeah that sounds about right. I don't care what you all say, I'm not afraid of any of you, in fact I'm amazed, this is incredible! Edward threw a tree twice his size or more about a mile away. I did the same.

We sped around the area. Edward tries to explain to Bella why she should be afraid of us. We're designed to kill, and murder, Bella! I don't care I trust you both, I'm here I told I don't care. One's my sister, I could never be afraid of her. You're wrong you should be, on my birthday I tore apart a dying man and to pieces, he was delicious, his blood was awesome, I was like a dog tearing apart a chew toy, we burned the pieces in our fireplace.

I don't care, your my sister, I trust you. You shouldn't. You should be afraid. We've killed plenty of people before, I wanted your blood so much, like no blood I've ever wanted in my life, but I could never hurt my "sister" like that or you, since we're what normal people call friends. My family, we only hunt animals, we learn to control our thirst, Farrah is best at it more than the rest of, probably because she can survive on both food and blood.

Even so you blood is like my own personal drug to me. I can never lose control with you. When we first met you, it may had seemed like I hated you, but it was only because I wanted your blood so much at the time and I knew I probably wouldn't be able to control myself if I got closer to you, but I know that our paths would've crossed like this sometime, because you're my sister's sister, that and Alice can see people's futures.

Bella we can't read you mind you need to tell us what your thinking. Well, now I'm afraid. Good. But like I said not of you, of any of you, I'm only afraid of losing you both, the sister a twin I never I never knew I had, I wouldn't give that for anything in the world, I want to get to know her. I want us to be in each other's lives even if she can't ever come home with me for mine, my dad's own safety.

You have no idea how long I've waited for you. So the sweet innocent lamb, started falling for the hotheaded overprotective dangerous..... Stop narrating ,and come lay down with us instead, before you regret it. He slyly smiles over at me, and any color that I had left drained from my skin and he laughs patting the spot next to him on his other side. I do as I'm told.

I watch the sun make our skin sparkle and then suddenly as the scene changes it is evening, and Edward and I are over at Bella's house, as he starts throwing rocks at her window. There were about just a few things that I was certain of at this moment. A) That Bella knew we were all vampires, and of our family history now. B.) That there was a piece of Edward that thirsted not just for Bella's blood, but mine too, but since I had lived with them for like ever, they had learned to control themselves, but for Bella, it was like starting all over again, and that I was the most resistant since I was her sister and not a full vampire. C) If I know my brother and I think I do, and I know Bella at least enough, but they were totally utterly falling madly in love with each other, it was only a matter of time before I would start feeling like their third wheel, even if my cousins were still here currently, and even if I had my BF, that I actually rarely see with his guardian job.

Now that, my BFF, and my sister were probably gonna start going out, and that my other BFF and my sister had some hard core catching up to do, which would leave me feeling like a stereotypical middle child, even though I was youngest. No one understood me quite like EJ do. I wonder where that would soon leave me?

Dragon Vampire girl part oneWhere stories live. Discover now