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Renjun wasn't sure anymore if he's still living healthy or ruining his life after all those sleepless nights.

So when he opened his door after hearing countless knocks, he didn't know if it was a product of hallucinations.

How can't he doubt his eyes when he is greeted with not just his former friend but his girlfriend laying peacefully on his arms?

"Maybe if you stop staring and let me in, she'll be much more comfortable."

"I—you're real?"

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and said, "Move away."

Without a word, Renjun stepped away and watched the older man with furrowed brows.

He only pushed his feet off the floor when the other walked directly in the direction of his bedroom, running towards him.

"What did you do to her?"

"She's in heat."

"What the—", Renjun's eyes widened and he grabbed his collar the moment he placed the omega down the bed. "What did you do?"

"Nothing,", Jaehyun replied in a sigh.

Renjun only looked at him, eagerly waiting what he'd say next.

"Yeah, we were about to do it, but it felt like the air just shifted and now we're here." Jaehyun bitterly chuckled. "She wants you. I couldn't do anything about it."

Renjun shut his eyes tight for a second and shifted his gaze to the still-sleeping omega.

Her breaths are much labored now, and her face shows contented comfort. Her omega must feel that she's secured.

"I'll be on my way."

"No, let's talk."

"We don't have anything to talk about Huang, don't you see? I'm giving her back to you."

"She's already mine in the first place, Jung; you never had her."

"Then let me rephrase that", Jaehyun walked closer, their level of protection equally rising. "I'm entrusting Jihye fully to you now. You can think whatever you want, but don't you ever give me a reason to have her back. Because if you do, Renjun, I swear I'm never going to let you see her again."

A faint whine from the omega easily gained their attention, especially Renjun, who felt like the world was in his favor—finally.

"She doesn't want me as a mate in the first place. I could've known that.", Jaehyun sighed and took a last look at the omega. "Take care of her."

Renjun snapped back to reality and turned to the door where the older man was headed.


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