Teddy Bear

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Carolina pov - As we were on our way back to the airport at 2am. Tae put a hoodie on me, sun glasses, and a mask. So no one could recognize me and just assumed that I worked for his company. As we got out of the car there were many fans waiting for him at the airport. I was suprised because it was 2am. He got out first and started to walk, and I follow behind with security and another girl that works for the company. After we walk through security, we were put in this private room to wait. Tae and I let a huge breath out. I look at him, and asked "I saw this teddy bear I really want, is there any chance they would let me bring that back?" He said "It doesn't hurt to try." He then walked outside, and came back in and said one of the workers were getting it. I smiled and hug Tae "Thank you!" While we were sitting in the room alone, I looked at him and said. "When we are apart, please try finding me. If you don't, find another girl that makes you happy. I don't want to ruin your live." "You didn't ruin my life, your the girl who I want." He said and kissed me on my lips. "Tae I think I'm in a relationship with someone at home." I said looking at the ground fast. "Oh" he said sallowing hard. For the rest of the time we waited we didn't say much to each other. Tae's assisted comes in the room soon after with a white teddy bear, and hands it to Tae. Tae give it to me. And I asked him if he had some of the pictures that we took the beach. He grab out a hand full. And put them in his pocket fast when someone came in to tell us our flight was here.


Carolina pov - We got in about 8am. Tae walked back to the house and I walked to the guest house. I got in, and the first thing I did was grab the teddy bear. I ran upstairs, with 3 pictures of Tae and I and sat on my bed. In the little box next to me I grab out scissors, and a sewing kit. I cut open the Teddy Bear, and stuffed the 3 pictures of him and I inside the bear. And sewed it back up. I give a huge squeeze, thinking one day I will be at home and open this bear. After I did that I sat on my bed crying. Thinking about how I feel about not remembering this happening. I then snap-chatted Tae, telling him to come to my room. But he responded with come to our house. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, and slowly walked over.

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