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Carolina POV - An hour after Tae left there was a knock on the door. I was nervous it was going to be Jungkook or Jimin. But it was actually Jhope, he stood there on door steps with my pill. "Hey how did you sleep?" He said. "Okay." I said kinda looking away. He walked in, and sat at the table. "I heard what happened, and we all had a long talk last night." He said trying to comfort me. "Okay" I said uncomfortably. "If you have any problems with them ever, come to me, Tae, Jin or Suga and we well take care of them okay." He said looking me directly in the eyes. "Okay" I said with a little smile. "We are going to the beach this weekend, I know your going to like it there!" "Really? The beach? I don't think I ever been?" I said actually really excited. "Yeah!, we have our own island, we have a photo shoot there and we decided to take a little vacation too!" I smiled at him. "I have to go get ready for practice, just take your pill." He left it on the table, and started to walk out and turned around. "If you need anything let me know! Oh I almost forgot!" He grabs my phone out of his pocket and gives it to me. "Oh my gosh thank you!" I said. I hugged him, he hugged me back and quickly broke the hug. "Got to go! Also get a bag pack" he said with a wink "Wait I'm going too?!" "Bye!" He said. And closed the door and I was very happy I finally had my phone back and downloaded Snapchat and ran upstairs to back a bag.

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