My sister and her background

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I have a strange family. My parents are divorced, and my mother Renée now lives with her new husband Phil in Jacksonville Florida and our dad Charlie is the head of police in Washington Works where I prefer to be with our dad. Bella loves the warmth of Jacksonville and I love the cold of Forks. I read story upon story about vampires and werewolves and believe in them greatly. You see that picture up above that's her that's my sister she doesn't smile a lot unlike me, but for the longest time we were as close as sisters can be. As usual we're twins. We are also polar opposites she likes it warm and sunny and I prefer it dark rainy and cloudy and where the sun almost never shines. So I still don't understand why she wouldn't just stay with our mom and Phil instead of coming here.

Don't get me wrong I love my sister, who wouldn't she's super beautiful, and some how just as pale as me. Dad says she wants to come back to be with me, but something tells me it's Phil that made her want to come home. Phil's a great guy and all, but he travels a lot and that's not something the swans like doing, except for mom who has no problem with that once so ever.

There's this guy Jacob Black he's had this thing for my sister for a long time, but now I've started hanging out with him and his friends that I call the pack. You know like wolves? They have almost all the indiscretions as werewolves do in the book I'm constantly reading. Jacob and his friends are kind of strange. And then there's this cool house on the other side of the woods in the middle of nowhere I've kind of became the house keeper. But I guess it doesn't really need it, it always looks so nice when I'm over there to take care of it. It's also very big. I've read in one of my books about this house, I'm hoping the rumors of the book are true, but there's no way it can be werewolves and vampires? Well I'm glad my sister's not into the super natural. Unlike me. Oh yeah on the other side of my family we have a family of dragons something strange happened with me and now I didn't know this but I was born a vampire I'm not sure how considering both my parents are human and I can still grow until I'm like 18.

My cousin Jake Long he lives in NYC he and his little sister and his grandfather are all dragons he's in love with a girl Rose who ironically enough is a dragon slayer. Their dad has no idea he lives in such a world their mom has no powers because it skipped a generation. His friends include Spud and Trixie and now Danny Fenton/ Phantom and his friends Tucker and Sam and a bunch of other people. I've always wanted to see a crossover between the 2 shows, but they're from 2 different worlds one's Disney the other is Nick it's too bad I think they'd be a wonderful team.

So for the very 1st time all our worlds are gonna come together. Back in Forks when I was younger IDK why, but after awhile of being under the same roof she started ignoring me like I wasn't even there. So I packed up and headed to the other side of the USA to NYC. Where I would feel welcomed to the other part of my family. I call the Cullen's family because like the Cullen's I have all they're powers combined and that included Alice and Edward's we hadn't ever met I never knew them for a while and I never actually knew about these powers, but I knew we'd be family some day.

But for now I'd be staying under the same room as my dragon cousins with there very human anti believer father so I'm not entirely sure how we're all related or whatever I think the Long's are part of my human family and the Cullen's would I think be cousins or brothers' and sister's in law or whatever, but I'm good with just calling them all cousins considering they're not all technically related to one another anyway.

Wish me luck I've got one crazy family. Dragons and vampires and humans and werewolves and ghosts oh my! Well I wasn't about to try and forget or leave out anyone! Oh well, We're going on an adventure Charlie. Which actually makes sense considering Charlie is my dad and I'm gonna be on an adventure of a life time.

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